Part 16

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Wylan's POV:

Wylan stared at Jesper, but was cut off by Alby pushing past him to get to the fixed piano. "My turn!"

The child plopped onto the chair and began banging out a discordant mess of notes and chords. The noise was, awful and Wylan could see even the woman look away as he bashed at keys on the piano. Wylan wanted to slam the lid down, drag him away, and never let the kid near a piano again in his life-but he didn't. He felt he showed incredible restrain in letting the boy play until he was finished, on the contrary. He flinched at the final twang as the boy hopped off the stool and away to the woman.

"That's- that's really good!" He nodded in a painfully unconvincing manner, clearing his throat, "very good," he couldn't help himself as he continued, "I think that if you had a bit more practice, you could turn it into something-um, something like this?" 

His fingers itched for the piano, the feel of the ivory keys beneath his fingertips. He sat at the stool and himself to relax and breathe true music. He lost control of his thoughts and emotions, letting his fingers dance across the keys, playing a  graceful melody. 

He didn't know how long the piece lasted, or how long Jesper's stare had been burning into him, but Wylan allowed himself the satisfaction of completing the piece with a final octave, reaching higher across the piano before remembering where he was and what he was supposed to be doing; the dread of his situation slowly seeping back in.

He smiled at the boy, and then turned to Jesper, who wouldn't hold his gaze, panic gnawing at him as he wondered if he had somehow done something wrong, but the boy hid a soft smile beneath his gaze and eventually looked up at Wylan with a gaze Wylan could have stared at forever and never gotten bored of.

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