Part 2

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Wylan's POV:

Wylan's hair was a mess and he just could not rub away that oil stain smeared across his chin. He stared into his reflection through the grime of a window in the tannery. It was nearing eight bells now. The end of his shift, and the start of his date with a ridiculously good-looking man.  He tucked small vials into the pockets of his bag, hauling it over his shoulder as he waved goodbye to the man at the counter across the room. 

Jesper's POV:

He had been waiting outside for a few minutes now,  sitting on an old wall out of the tannery until he heard the soft tinkling of the bell that signaled the pretty stranger had finished his shift. 

Jesper dropped down from the wall, causing the boy to almost jump out of his skin. His blue eyes widened as Jesper straightened himself and extended a hand. "Ghezen you scared the life out of me!" He  jumped back with a breathy laugh.

 "My apologies, just couldn't wait..Sorry, I never caught your name?" The boy relaxed slightly. 

"Oh, It's-uh, Wylan." 

Jesper grinned. "Well, 'Oh it's-uh Wylan', it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Jesper Fahey and I will be your tour guide for today." Jesper gave him a small bow which Wylan accepted with a curt nod, turning his head to hide the small smile growing on his lips. 

"Well Mr Fahey, I have to say that my expectations for this tour have become exceedingly high."

" You reckon I'll live up to them?" 

"I certainly hope so." 

Jespers eyes were alight with glee. 

"I do love a good challenge." 

Jesper turned down the steps and Wylan followed placcidly.  He swung his arms as he walked, already plotting exactly where he was going to take the gorgeous boy beside him.

 This was going to be exciting.

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