Part 4

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Wylan's POV: 

Wylan could hear music. It was a hearty tune played by a rustic little band and he watched as Jesper's eyes lit up upon hearing it. a wide smile suddenly split across his face. " I love this song," his foot tapped to the upbeat rhythm of a banjo nearby. 

The small clearing was lively and warm, packed as people neared to listen to the music, craning necks toward the band or twirling across an old cobblestone pavement at the floor below the stand. " You dance?"

"Err, not particularly, no," Wylan felt unsure of the direction this seemed headed.

 "I'll show you!" Jesper extended an inviting hand but Wylan hesitated; he clutched the strap of his bag tightly. 

"You can't be any worse than I am at it, trust me."Jesper said.  He shook off his long blue coat and took the handle of Wylan's bag, his hand lingering there a moment too long.

  "Are you sure?" 

" positively," Jesper said, " What kind of tour guide would I be if I didn't get you the full experience?"

" a pretty poor one, I suppose." Wylan returned the smile, taking his hand. He ignored the heat that crawled up his neck before the pair had even managed to reach the dance floor. 

Jesper was a liar. 

He was an incredible dancer, and he must have known it. From the moment he stepped foot in that floor, a new life took over the boy. Jesper held Wylan's hand in one of his, the other loosely fitted in the curve of his waist and suddenly, Wylan felt himself swept away by Jesper's swift movements. Jesper's feet tapped, clicked and twirled to the beat, caught up in a mad rush of adrenaline as the music crescendoed with giddy speed. The two swooped across the floor, feet tapping rhythmically and Wylan was suddenly lost in the music. He twirled as Jesper's arm extended, brought himself back in when the beat allowed and twisted giddily in circles, arms locked with Jesper's in a mad rush of excitement. He must have looked stupid with his fiery red hair and hot, pink skin but all Wylan could focus on in that moment was the beat of the music and the feeling of Jesper's fingers intertwined with his own. 

As the music slowed, the fluidity of Wylan and Jesper's movements around each other decreased to a steady sway. Wylan's face was, noticeably, extremely close to Jesper and he took the time to completely absorb the rich smoothness of the boy's skin and the dark curls hanging in front of his face as he danced. The two rocked in a lulled harmony, unmoving from each other, even as fat droplets of rain began to fall down on them. Wylan found himself met with the unbearable urge to kiss Jesper, run his hands through that dark, curly hair. They stayed like that for what felt like forever and yet could never have been longe enough until, finally, Jesper decided to break the silence. 

"So... how was that?" His face radiated a fiery glow. 

" alright, I suppose." Wylan smirked shyly.

"Alright you suppose? I think you're lying to me Wylan because 'alright I suppose' is not what I would have interpreted from you when you were doing those little twirls around that dance floor." 

" First of all, they were not little twirls, they were the movements of a dancing genius, thank you very much. And anyway, you lied to me when you said you weren't a good dancer, so I'm calling it even." 

" I have no idea what you're talking about." Jesper shrugged nonchalantly.

" Okay, sure, keep lying to yourself." Wylan rolled his eyes, breaking away from the clutch of Jesper's hands to wipe sticky sweat off his palms.

 "I'm all wet now," he gazed up into the sky as the drumming patter of the rain increased. 

" yeah, probably best we find some shelter." Jesper agreed, realising that his coat and stroopwaffels lay in a discarded pile under the rain nearby.  He rushed to collect their belongings  before meeting Wylan as the unlikely pair scampered out of the thumping rain.

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