Part 3

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Jesper's POV:

Jesper knew exactly where to take Wylan. They had been walking for a while, Jesper making flirty banter and Wylan responding accordingly- he was surprisingly witty for someone so seemingly awkward but Jesper loved every minute of it. 

"Jesper, we must have traveled halfway across the city by now, Where in Ghezen's name could you possibly be taking me?" But he didn't seem mad. Wylan had tolerated Jesper so far so that was something. 

"Calm down, we're almost there." 

"That five-star review is wavering Mr Fahey." 

"What can I say? Difficult audience." Jesper shrugged, turning a corner abruptly, "And we are here!"  

Wylan's pale eyes lit up immediately. "Whoah- Jesper this is so beautiful!" 

He stood in awe of the bustling market, lit by warm, glowing lights as the sun melted into a dull orange haze against the sea behind them. 

"You've never been near the docks before? They have markets every few months; big trading imports make for a big market."  

Wylan felt overwhelmed by the liveliness of the glistening scene. Staring in awe at the scene, so stark in difference to the gloom of the places he'd seen in the grimy centre of the barrel.

They walked for a while, absorbing the enriching smells and sounds of the scene, the warmth of the atmosphere melting into a satisfactory mood.  Jesper showed Wylan an old church nearby that he knew was one of Inej's favourite places to climb and they had watched as the sun faded completely, letting the inky black sky took its place. 

Their shoulders brushed as  the two boys walked but neither dared to get any closer. Jesper flirted and laughed as the conversation flowed with magnificent ease, letting himself become lost in the bliss of the moment.

" Something smells good," he said.

"The waffle stand,"  Wylan pointed at a market stall in the small Square they stopped at as an inviting smell wafted their direction. 

" saints they look good," Jesper watched as a man flipped a pan behind the counter. 

" wait there a sec," Wylan's hand brushed Jesper's shoulder and he left for the stand. 

So Jesper waited. 

He watched the reddish curls bounce towards the stand. He admired the slender fingers of Wylan's hands, musician's fingers-they must have been- wrapped tightly round the small satchel he'd been carrying all night. He watched Wylan pull out a clump of coins from his pocket, waiting to pay, before snapping back to reality. 

He jogged over to where Wylan stood. " Hey- hey,  I can't make you pay for this," he shook Wylan's arm gently.

 " Don't worry about it, honestly," Wylan said earnestly, " It's the least I can do after all this."His arms gestured wildly.  He pushed the coins toward a portly man behind the stall and handed Jesper a big bag of Stroopwaffels. " And anyway, they're not just for you." 

He took one from Jesper's hand and took a bite.  

" okay," Jesper conceded, " I guess I'll let you have it this once. But I'm paying next time."

" Next time?" Wylan's eyes locked onto his  curiously and suddenly Jesper felt awkward.

"Uh- Well, you know, if you want," His fingers gripped the back of his neck. 

Wylan grinned, " sure," 

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