Part 6

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Jesper's POV:

Wylan, sat on a small sofa in the corner whilst Jesper stirred two hot chocolates around the corner, stealing glances at skin so delicate it might have bruised if he breathed on it too hard and ruddy red curls he desperately wished to run his fingers through. It was absolutely undeniable how breathtaking this boy was. 

It really was a shame they might never meet again, but maybe he could get Kaz to send him on more trips to the tannery. Maybe, after tonight a second date was in order anyway: it had been cut short by the rain and Jesper absolutely needed to get to know this boy better.

"Hot chocolate is ready !" He called round the corner, picking up both mugs and handing one to Wylan who sat enveloped in a small towel, curled up in the corner of the seat. Wylan's hands reached out from the towel, cradling the hot chocolate's warmth happily. "Mhm thank you," he took a small sip of the steaming liquid.  

Jesper studied the constellations of Wylan's freckles, seeing if he could count each one, until Wylan said, "I've dripped all over your chair."

Jesper's gaze dropped suddenly. 

"What? Oh don't worry about it. It's a tatty old thing anyway, I needed a new one." He sat opposite Wylan, sipping from his own steaming mug. 

"Sorry our tour was cut short, by the way."

" It's fine, it's nice here anyway," 

It was not. Nothing in the slats could be described as nice- the cracked walls, the dismal light- but Jesper appreciated the sentiment. 

He stretched back against the seat. "It's not much but it's home." His fingers traced the  rim of his mug absentmindedly. "Where are you staying?" 

" Near the tannery, I was on the streets for a while but I managed  to find a place and it's nice enough."

"Oh yeah? guess I'll have to visit some time." 

" I guess you will." 

Jesper noticed wylan shivering despite the towel and his best attempt to hide it. "You cold?" 

"I'm fine,"

Jesper raised a pointed eyebrow and Wylan gave in," freezing."

Without thinking, Jesper reached across and pushed a wet curl out of Wylan's face. " You're still dripping everywhere."

he smiled, his stormy grey eyes meeting the clear blue sky of Wylan's.They stayed there for just a moment too long, lingering on each others stare. How had his hand found itself on Wylan's cheek? 

Wylan made no attempt to move from the gentle touch but Jesper's thoughts quickly buzzed into fidgety nervousness and he pulled his hand away abruptly. He cleared his throat, an uncomfortable knot forming, " I'll get some more towels," he said, "and a blanket." 

"Thanks," Wylan's voice was strangely quiet.

"Anything for you, darling." He hid his anxiousness behind a joke. 

He grinned as he left the room, and even with his questionable gambling skills, Jesper would have betted his life on the reappearance of the unforgettable pink blush most definitely tinting Wylan's face right then.

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