Chapter 12: He Saw, He Knew

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 After the brief meeting in Vegas' office, Pete found himself wandering around the house. Vegas told him to get some rest, so they could assess his abilities tomorrow morning, but Pete - no wonder - couldn't sleep after the last twenty hours spent in bed. So he decided to explore the house's every corner, and what's a better way than to get lost in the serpentine corridors?

 Why was this building so goddamn complicated? Sure it was good tactically, but they weren't preparing to get attacked. Although the ones who get attacked are not either.

 He wanted to get to know the house a little more, after all, Vegas did make him some kind of boss or head or whatever. Well, this relationship with the building was not starting off too bright. Sure, he knew his way around the house well enough to sneak into Vegas' office, but not well enough to find any other thing. Ironic isn't it? He finds the path that leads to Vegas, but not the one that leads to anything else. For example the kitchen.

 Pete was extremely hungry. He hadn't eaten in what felt like weeks, but was actually just a few days. He didn't really remember what the last meal he ate was. Which was a huge problem, since he loved food so much.

 Typically, after he wakes up, his route would take him to the kitchen. Tana would have already made his favorite curry, and upon entering the room, he would be greeted by her warm smile.

 But there is no Tana here. Pete wasn't even sure if he would see her ever again. If it was up to Vegas, he would probably not allow him to step out of the house for the rest of their marriage. Thinking about it, Pete hoped Tana didn't get in trouble for helping him escape. Best case, his father didn't even figure it out. He was most likely too blinded by rage to even think about him having an accomplice.

 Which is just what he needed to keep Tana safe. And he will keep her safe.

 But right now, he needed to think about himself. For example, he needed to take care of his rumbling stomach and the person who was tailing him. He didn't see him nor know what he was aiming for. He could be a spy for his father or for the countless enemies he or Vegas owns. He didn't think it over, not caring if any of those were true. Someone was following him, and he didn't like that. His mind already came up with a plan, simple but effective. He went into the next room he saw, which turned out to be the place he was looking for; the kitchen.

 He hid behind a counter, crouched down, and waited for his shadow. The sound of footsteps filled the kitchen momentarily before fading away. The man probably stopped, and in the end, his confusion caused Pete's victory.

 In an instant, he swiftly pinned the unknown man against the wall by the entrance.

 "Who are you?" The person struggled, but couldn't escape Pete's grip. He tried nevertheless, long beyond annoying, until he gave up with a loud sigh.

 "Khun Pete-"

 "Who sent you?" Pete was much more tense than warranted, but he couldn't help it. He despised people who dared to follow him, whether they were his bodyguards or someone spying on him. It made him extremely angry, and he found it hard to control it. The anger tainted his sanity and ripped his judgment away from him. "Why the fuck are you not answering me?"

 The silence danced on Pete's nerves, making him red with frustration. And by the time he'd let his fury out another voice decided to join the conversation.

 "Well, well, what do we have in here?"

 It wasn't hard to figure out who this voice belonged to, Pete's mind was already tattooed with it from the start. His dear husband.

 "He isn't talking, is he?" Vegas stepped next to them, smiling like a maniac. No, Pete corrected himself. He was smiling like he knew something.

 "Who is he?" Pete finally took the effort to look at him, which only seemed to make his smirk deepen.

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