Chapter 9: White and Red

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 The grand white walls made it impossible to get a decent glimpse of the house behind. And even if someone were to try, they'd have to get through a large amount of guards stationed outside the gates plus inside the yard. Those who had invitations still had to undergo a security check.

 Upon entering the villa, the influence of traditional Thai architecture and the harmony of modern elements were perfectly discernible. The lobby was as beautiful as it was emotionless. It was like a hotel, the kind you stay in when you're on a business trip and the next day you can barely remember the interior. Boring, yet luxurious.

 The corridor leading from there was caved with marble and ended in double doors. Behind the white wood, the ceremony hall was located. The event was still hours away, so there was no one in there. The room was divided in half by the aisle, white chairs filled the space up on each side. Red carpet covered the aisle leading up to the raised platform at the end of the room. A gold-scarlet pedestal was placed on the middle of the surface, directly opposite the door. Lotus and Plumeria decorated the space next to it, with white and red sheer curtains hanging on each wall.

 The place was soon to be filled with guests from all over the world, family members, business partners, and most importantly, the betrothed.


 Pete was nowhere near the aisle yet, it was even questionable whether he knew about it at all (that he was getting married within hours) and if so, how would he take those steps? Because he certainly wasn't in that physical condition.

 He was drifting in and out of sleep ever since he was put in bed by careful, warm arms. His whole body ached, he wasn't sure if there was an inch of his skin that wasn't bruised. Plus he felt the dried blood, and dirt all over himself, which really irritated him, but there was nothing he could do. Even breathing hurt, so it was clear that moving to stand up would hurt even more. That's why he didn't try at all.

 When he woke up - properly this time -, he had little to no idea about where he was. Of course, the obvious was clear; In a bed, which was in a bedroom, which probably was in a house. That was basically the only knowledge he was sure of. As much as he tried to remember what happened before, it was a foggy picture. He could recall his father's resentful eyes, Khun Gun's empty stare, and the way his body ached against every touch of knuckles. After that; nothing.

 He knew he fucked up. The hiding and running away was not the brightest idea, he was aware, thank you very much. But also he had no choice. At least that's what it felt like. And he would do it again even if he knew he would end up back in the palm of his father's hand.

 His approach would differ, though. He would probably have taken more time to plan and not make decisions based on impulse. Pete didn't even know what made him do it. He always considered himself a logical person, no matter the situation. Yet, when it came to his freedom to choose who he marries, he just let his emotions control him.

 Groaning, he finally decided to sit up. The first thing he noticed was a glass of water, a pill, and a small paper note on the bedside table.

 Clean yourself up

 It said it wasn't atomic physics to figure out who wrote it. And no, it wasn't Pete's father. Somsak did send it, however, it most likely was written by a bodyguard. Pete was used to these notes by now, however, he hadn't received one for a very long time. The last one was probably the day he left the country. Same words, same meaning; You fucked up.

 After about twenty minutes of struggling, he reached the bathroom. The bath he prepared was anything but calming. The water turned red the moment he stepped in, the dirt and blood was suffocating against his skin. He felt like he was being pulled down, and for a second he almost let himself dream. Dream about the floating, the weight falling down his shoulders and the air no longer existing in his lungs. It was a poisonous thought, so he didn't even let it linger much longer.

White Outside, Red Underneath [Vegaspete]Where stories live. Discover now