Chapter 3: No Escape

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It's been one day. Pete was literally confined to his old bedroom after the discussion with his father. They gave him food, of course, but it was not rice. Or curry. Despite having a bigger problem to deal with, Pete's desire to eat authentic Thai food after four years abroad was too strong.

Coming back to his childhood room kind of felt like relapsing. Like the temporary improvement, he felt in his absence was lost the moment he crossed the threshold. Perhaps it was true. Perhaps it was all for nothing.

Lying on his bed, Pete looked peaceful. Inside his brain, it was a disaster. But only his feelings were tangled. His plan to escape was nearly completed. He still had 6 days, and if he made sure the escape happens right before the wedding, the other family would have no choice but to cancel. The ceremony might not happen at all because of their anger.

He also counted on the consequences. His father, mostly. It will be ugly, that is certain. Getting caught didn't really matter to him. The only thing that did is when. He knows he doesn't have enough resources to keep hiding for the rest of his life, not that he wanted to. There was no escape from the life he was born into. But if he can avoid a mafia union, he will try. No matter-

A knock on the door disturbed his train of thought.

"Yes?" He said, getting up from the sheets. It wasn't food time, so it must be something else. The door opened, revealing a lean, tiny body of a woman. It took a second to realize, but eventually, Pete recognized her.

"Tana!" He ran and wrapped her in a warm hug. "I've missed you too, my boy." She whispered in a caring tone.

Tana is the housekeeper, the superior of all maids. She's been taking care of Pete on and off since his mother died. As his appointed maid, she saw most of Pete's bruises, agony, and occasional happiness. Not that they talked about them a lot, but when needed, Tana was always by his side. And he was extremely grateful to her.

When they parted, Pete noticed black clothes slung over Tana's arm. "What's that?" He inquired, gesturing towards the pile. "Your father invited you to have dinner with him." She paced around the bed, placing a black turtleneck and slacks on the white sheets. Her gaze quickly found Pete's, searching for something in his eyes.

"Why didn't you sleep?" She settled on the first competent question.

"Haven't you heard?" Pete asked, almost as if he took his last breath; Tired, sorrowful.

"Darling..." Tana's soft voice should've eased his mind. But it didn't. Not this time. "I know, it's hard, but maybe... you'll eventually-"

"Don't!" Pete shook his head. "I can't- I can't marry him. I can't marry a Theerapanyakul." His eyes already stung, but he won't cry. He didn't allow himself.

Tana slowly lowered herself down onto the bed, patting the mattress next to her. Pete sat down.

"Why not?" They stared forward, knowing the conversation would be easier this way. Even when he was a little boy, he never talked about hard things face to face. Tana still recalls Pete in the bathtub right after his father beat him for losing a boxing match. He didn't look into her eyes. He stared at the tiles when he spoke of what happened. There was little the housekeeper could do to him, but she always made sure Pete knew she would listen. That's the least she could offer to a broken little boy.

"Because I don't want to!" The emotions he tried to fight tirelessly were coming to the surface. "Plus, what good have you heard about the Theerapanyakuls?"

A light squeeze on Pete's forearm pulled him out of his misery. "What's your plan?" The woman asked. Pete looked at her in surprise. "C'mon, I know you have one. You can't fool me. Now, tell me about it, so I can help you."

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