Chapter 10: Pull

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 The wedding reception was boring. Or so Pete thought.

 But really, being chained to the table at the back of the room and watching people having fun and drinking was dull. Moreover, his new husband was right next to him, observing every little move he made. Whenever he reached for his glass or squirmed or even breathed Pete could feel Vegas' burning stare on his skin. And it made him itch.

 When they entered this hall, Vegas made sure Pete was well secured in his seat, and that he couldn't get lost in the crowd. He didn't want to lose sight of him ever again.

 Pete's run-off parade was more than enough to begin with. Now, that he had him - just like he voiced it before - Pete was his. And the man didn't get to move an inch without Vegas' knowledge.

 The Minor Family heir liked it, to be honest. His pet on display, right next to him - where he belongs -, under his supervision. Everything he ever wanted since he first saw Pete. Weird, yes but Vegas Theerapanyakul really couldn't explain it. The kind of possessiveness he felt when he caught sight of the man back when he and his father went over for dinner to Khun Somsak.

 Pete was scared, like a lost little puppy on the street, and Vegas was more than happy to guide him. And while his guide wasn't so direct (the escape), Pete did end up right where Vegas imagined back then.

 The first congratulations arrived and left like a cold wind. Pete always shuddered when people continued; "You're a lovely couple!" or "May your love story continue to flourish!".

 It made Pete remember. Recall that oh, right I married a monster but no worries, because I think I'm not a great person either. I'll make sure my dear husband will live his happily ever after with me.

 Or what else was Pete supposed to say? He never answered, instead shut his mouth up and used his best coping method; his smile. He grinned at every guest who found their way to the table and nodded cheerfully. Vegas answered every time, but Pete didn't really pay attention. He zoned out and only did his smiling thing when he felt the other's hand on his thigh. A flinch of course always followed those gentle presses, but he hid it well. His husband didn't mention them either, but he sure as hell noticed - his smirk always seemed to widen after them.

 Their next congratulator was the thick-eyebrow man with his... model boy? Pete didn't know how to refer to them. They were weird, beautiful, and weird again. Some kind of tension hung in the air when they were close to Vegas.

 "Vegas," said the dense eyebrowed man. His fancy blue suit fitted him well, frankly, but Pete didn't get to keep staring at him much longer. Vegas pinched his thigh hard, making Pete jump slightly on the chair - as much as the chain allowed him to.

 "Kinn," Vegas seemed to greet him back. If it was a salutation then Pete was right. These were weird.

 "Congratulations on your wedding. Seems like there is someone in this world who can love you. And it's not Porsche" The bushy- no, sorry -, Kinn spoke up. Pete tried to process what he was saying, but it was quite difficult.

 "Thank you, cousin. And, yes Pete loves me very much, isn't that true, darling?"

 It seems like 'darling' became his pet name. Or whatever. Does it count if millions of others call their partners the same? And if it doesn't then why did it make Pete feel certain things again? Of course, the last time he heard it, it made him feel fear. But tonight, it makes him feel-

 "Pete," Vegas growled at him, barely heardable, but it reached his ears.

 "Ah, yes, I-, yes." Pete shuddered clumsily.

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