Chapter 6: Air Pressure

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 The first few seconds were static. After Vegas left, Pete stood still, not moving an inch. His mind was numb. But only for a few seconds. The clear sky always brings unpredictable thunderstorms. The thunderstorms for Pete were thoughts that came faster than lightning, and traveled through his whole body in an uncomfortable way. His form shook, letting the force take over his judgment.

Vegas kissed him. He kissed Vegas.

He enjoyed it. He wanted more.

The realization hit him harder than any storm could have. But with any realization denial is always the first thing that Pete uses.

No. No. No. No. He is absolutely not thinking of Vegas with any kind of affection. Vegas was good-looking, sure, but that didn't mean anything. He might be attracted to him, but he definitely is not going to admit it out loud. Nor will he act upon it.

They are forced to marry. They are forced to sign a paper just because their father decided to join forces. Not because they cared. If they had they wouldn't be in this situation.

Vegas wanted to own him. Not love him. And Pete knew exactly what that meant. He was owned by his father his whole life. He was never his own person, and with Vegas, he would be foolish to think it would be any different. He was just a tool handed over to another owner because it was better for the previous one.

He didn't want to live that life anymore. He wanted to be free. Free to choose who he spends the rest of his life with, free to do anything he wants to. Because that was life about, right? Living the way you want to, making decisions for yourself, doing what you like. Right? Pete didn't know, he only assumed, even daydreamed about it when he was in boarding school far away from his home country.

That's why he planned to leave. To escape from his faith written by other men. There was no guarantee that they wouldn't find him, and frankly, Pete didn't need this kind of assurance. If they find him, fine - He'll take his punishment. He only prayed they would not find him before the wedding. The escape needed to be soon and rapid because his father already started increasing the guards around him. In just a few days he won't be able to move an inch without his father's men.

He hated the idea of someone owning him on paper. Yet alone a Theerapanyakul. Vegas Theerapanyakul.

Chills ran through Pete's skin. It is enough. He sighed, he knew he needed to get in action as fast as possible. There was no time to waste. He packed his torture kit and fled the room.

The plan was simple; Escape without getting caught.

The implementation; not so much, but not impossible.

First, he needed to go back to that ugly mansion and inform his father about the success of the mission. This buys him some time, knowing Khun Somsak can't bear seeing his son - only every two days. It has always been like this, as far as Pete can remember. His mother died when she gave birth to him, and he is too much like his mother. Somsak could never stand it.

The second point of his plan was to retire to his chambers. Pack his bags, and maybe sleep a little before the real action starts. He didn't have the authority to turn off the cameras, but he didn't even have to. He knew the blind spots like the back of his hand. Electronic security never really changed. Codes and doors may have, but that didn't affect the escape.

Third point; Action. The unique knock on his door - which was Tana's idea to let him know that the corridor was clear. The housekeeper's task was to distract the bodyguards around Pete's room. She said she would 'use her charm' whatever that was supposed to mean. Pete left it to her, knowing she was more than capable. He only prayed she wouldn't get involved when everyone realized that Pete was gone. She never said anything about it when Pete mentioned his concerns, and never seemed to worry about them. So Pete let it go and tried not to think too much. She knew what she was doing.

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