FIFTEEN / Truth Or Drink.

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EPISODE 05 : EAT AT BARATIE!( Truth Or Drink )

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( Truth Or Drink )

AFTER LUFFY WAS dragged into the kitchen by a burly head chef by the name of Zeff, the remaining crew began to slowly disperse from the small booth and towards the bar ( It is shaped like an open fish's mouth, and Estrella finds it fun to look at ).

She and Zoro share a small two-person couch, while Nami and Usopp are leaning against the booth seats stretching across the open bar.

In between them is a small, luminescent table carrying their respective drinks — Apart from Usopp, who is curled around his bowl of alcohol like a hermit crab.

The loud music blares into Estrella's eardrums, dulling her senses into a puddle of disorientation.

"Pace yourself," Zoro advises Usopp, who hasn't stopped sipping his drink since he got his hands on it.

The sharpshooter shrugs, messing with the umbrella in the corner of his bowl. "I don't even think there's liquor in this. It tastes just like candy."

Zoro watches the man. "Last time I said that, I woke up face down under a table."

Estrella snorts under her breath, eyes shining with hidden malice. "With your drinking habits, I'm not surprised."

The green-haired pirate hunter shoots the brunette a dirty look, but it softens into a sort of funny glare at the sight of her teasing face.

"Was that a joke?" He asks sourly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"It was." She nods, her smile growing wider. "Surprised you could tell, since you have no sense of humor."

Zoro's expression switches back to a scowl in an instant, and Estrella grins, exposing her teeth.

Nami is silent, her focus solely on her glass. Zoro is the first to point it out, nodding his head towards her as he raises his voice just loud enough so that the four of them can hear ( Previously, he had been speaking just for Estrella to hear ).

"That glass have gold on the bottom or what?" He asks, raising a thick eyebrow.

The tangerine-haired woman looks up, her face blank and forlorn. "Hmm?"

"You haven't stopped staring at it." The green-haired man continues.

Nami looks at the two of them, taking a deep breath. Her bangs are windswept across her face. "You seriously don't think what Luffy did is messed up?"

Estrella thinks for a moment but gives no immediate reply. Nami's gaze sears into her, as if she's expecting an agreeable answer from her the most.

"Yeah. He should've told us." Zoro agrees. "But in case you didn't notice, we've been making enemies everywhere we go. Psycho clowns, killer butlers. What's a vice-admiral gonna do to us?"

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