And so on

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"Hey babe how was your day?"
"Kookie,it was so good I got to choreograph the dance for the video of a boy band!"
"Your amazing,well done," Jungkook kissed his boyfriends smiling lips.
"I'm cooking tonight,go have a shower..."
The last month had been bliss for Jimin. He felt truly loved,there was no hint of sadness on his face he felt he was living the best life.
His days were filled with a job he loved,his nights with passion or cosy nights in.
He had been worried that he wouldn't be enough as he was for his lover but he was showered with affection,the only niggling thing for Jimin was Jimin felt that Jungkook gave everything,his home ,gifts, nights out, while he didn't offer much only himself in return.
"Wow this is delicious Jimin,"
They were both eating the meal Jimin had prepared.
"Thank you,it's not fancy just regular food,"
"It's great Jimin..."
Jungkook yawned.
"Sorry it's been a busy day.....,Jimin I have to travel abroad for three weeks,one of my clients is fussy while touring so I said I would go....will you be ok?"
Jimins heart sunk....he loved being with the other in fact apart from work they were barely apart.
" will phone or message right? Just so I know you're ok?"
"Of course! I really don't want to go and I wish you could come with me but I know you are busy too."
"Go pack your stuff while I clean up,you should have an early night if you're tired."
"Yer....I think I will....see you upstairs."
Jimin washed up and wiped down the surfaces,he felt depressed already and the other hadn't even gone.He went upstairs to see if he could help but found Jungkook sound asleep,his suitcase packed and his passport sitting on top.
After showering Jimin climbed into bed spooning against the other.
He awoke with a start and put his hand out to touch his lover only to find the bed empty.
Sitting up quickly he looked around seeing that the suitcase was gone.
On the bedside table was a note.
Hey Babe
Didn't want to wake you as you looked tired,I'm missing you already,I left the alarm on so you don't oversleep,love you and will miss you,I'll be back on my birthday,let's go out for a meal,talk to you soon,Kookie
For some reason Jimin just burst out crying.How was he going to cope without the other?
He dragged himself out of bed washing up and eating a bit of toast before arriving at work early.
He had a pot of coffee on the go as Hobi,Suga and even Tae walked in.
"Hey Jimin,why the long face?"
"Kookie had to go abroad for three weeks,"
"Why didn't you go with him?" Tae asked
"Because we are busy here and....well I realised this morning I don't have a passport...." He whined.
"Jimin I could have covered you....and you should get a passport in case it happens again...." Hobi said.
"Yer,I wouldn't let Suga go alone that long," Tae said earning a pat on the cheek from his boyfriend .
"Do you think he expected me to say I'd go?" Jimin panicked.
"Jungkook would have told you straight if that's what he thought so don't overthink," Hobi said.
"Yer he will be busy when's he back ?"Suga asked
"On his birthday.....oh god his birthday what can I get him!"
The other three looked stumped then Suga grinned.
"Make him a personal album,"
"Well what is the one thing he wanted but couldn't get?"
Jimin looked confused then excited.
"Suga your a genius,will you help me?"
"Fine....four songs,you better get your thinking cap on"
"Make it five,include the one I already sang,he likes that...."
Jimin felt excited and nervous all at once ,finally he could give back a little of himself.
The first three days passed in a blur,busy with work then sitting up at night writing and waiting for a call or message.
He tried to sound happy when he spoke to the other but it was hard he missed him so much.
Towards the end of the week he had some bits to show Suga who promptly put music to it.
Even on the weekend Jimin kept busy singing ,recording and re-recording .
The second week he got mainly messages as Jungkook said his client was being an ass and he had to be on the ball.
Jimin felt lost and down,although his friends tried to cheer him up he didn't smile as much.
One night he went to Jin and Namjoons getting told off for not eating much .
As that week rolled by Jimin made his mind up and applied for a passport he wasn't going to let this happen again.
The third week was a mad rush perfecting the songs and doing a final recording.
Jungkook called one evening.
"Hey baby how are you I can't wait to get back."
Jimin coughed ,his throat was a bit sore from singing.
"Kookie,next time I'll come with you,"
"You will?! That would be great,I didn't think you wanted to travel would make me feel easier,are you catching a cold your voice sounds off?"
"Er no,just been singing loudly er around the house ...keeping myself company."
"Two days baby,can you book that restaurant we both like?I'll be back around lunchtime but I have to do some bits at work....make the meal for seven,"
"Sure...I've missed you so much Kookie,I didn't think I could love anyone this much..."
"Oh baby, I wish I was there right now....."
Jimin giggled," I'll give you a kiss for your birthday,"
"Just one? I was thinking of ravishing you on the spot when I see you !"
'"That would be.....great," Jimin said sexily with a huskiness in his voice.
"Damn,you're making me hard just thinking about it."
"Two days,oh and I got you a gift,"
"You're my gift the best present I could have."
They finished the call,Jimin booked the restaurant and decided to go get his hair styled and buy a sexy outfit the next day.
Tae went with him admiring the swept back undercut hairstyle and helping Jimin choose tight black skinny jeans and semi sheer over shirt with vest top underneath.
"He's gonna want to whip them off you quick he might not let you out the house!"
"I've been thinking,I might not go home, but leave his present there and tell him to listen to it and then meet me at the restaurant?"
"Hah,good idea....lets see how quick you eat that meal before he rushes you home and eats you!"
"What ...I'm only saying what you're hoping!!"
Both giggled.
And so it was,Jungkook hurried from his workplace,opening his front door he called out for the other.
"Babe,I'm back where are you?"
He was met by silence so frowning he walked in only to find a neatly wrapped package and a note.
Picking the note up he read,
Happy birthday my Kookie
I've been so lonely without you I even got a passport!!
I often wonder how I can give you something you can't buy ,so please find my gift to you.
It's not much but it's from the heart so take a moment to listen before we meet up at seven.
Love you my Kookie,your Jimin.
Jungkook hurriedly unwrapped the gift exclaiming in delight when he saw a cd called
"A gift from the heart,jimin Park for his love Kookie "
He placed the disc in and the first song was Jimin's love song.
The second was a more upbeat one that had him tapping his foot.
The third was sentimental and slow suiting Jimin's voice.
The fourth a funny quirky song ,then the fifth was called my love and had Jungkook repeating it as it caught at his heart.
Who knew this love of mine
Would make my heart beat so strong
A burning furnace when he's near
He's so tasty like fine wine

Nobody else can hold my love
Just him alone each minute of the day
To be apart is just sheer pain
Lets soar up high just like a dove

Promise each other a love so fine
Don't leave my side that I can't bear
It's cold and empty without you
Be my lover,my life be mine

When the day comes for our light to go out
Let's go together not be afraid
My heart only will ever beat for you
As our final breath is taken you'll never be in doubt.

Jungkook loved the sentimentality and sheer love that came in Jimin's voice. He wiped away a tear that had strayed then rushed to shower.
Grabbing something he'd bought for Jimin he got in his car muttering,"jimin whose stupid idea was it to go out! I want you so much my love ."

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