Little steps only

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Jimin woke up flustered, he'd been convinced he wouldn't sleep but it was now eight thirty and he'd slept through.
No nightmares,after seeing Jungkook he'd been convinced that he'd dream of him shouting him down but....nothing.
He washed and dressed,
"nemo what do you think of him?I know right he is hot..I remember that but he can be scary too.hmmm? Yes I know he had a reason but should I just give in....." Jimin slapped his head, I'm mad do I honestly think you'll answer...
He sat at his computer for two hours then got up remembering he had to get Tae's shopping. Sighing he put a jacket on and hat forgetting the mask and made his way out, his door clicking shut. He waited at the elevator hearing another door close and footsteps come to the lift. His hands fidgeted nervously.
"Good morning Jimin."
Jimin stared up at the face smiling down at him.
He just nodded his head.
"Where are you off to?"
"Shopping," Jimin mumbled
The lift came and they stepped in.
"Oh good you can show me where it is I need to stock up..."
"Ten minutes down the road..."
Jimin stepped out and hurried off .
"Damn he's quick!"
He was about to chase after him when the rain started so he diverted to his car getting in quickly and driving to catch up with the other .
He saw the small figure standing under an awning waiting for the rain to ease.
Pulling up he wound the window down,
"Jimin get in this could go on a while!"
"I'm fine you go..."
"Don't be silly we are going to the same place!"
Jimin wrestled with his feelings then reluctantly stepped forward to the car getting in quickly.
Jungkook turned the heater up when he saw Jimin shivering.
Not long after he saw the store ,parking up they both got out. Going inside Jimin started loading up a basket. Jungkook looked surprised did he have no food in his apartment.
"Er I see you've run out of a lot of stuff...?"
"What..oh no it's for Tae he's been away I'm just filling his cupboards.."
They both carried on with their shopping Jungkook just getting a few things while Jimin thought his arms would break the basket felt so heavy.
Jungkook paid for his then waited by the counter for Jimin to finish.
"You're not waiting for me are you?"
"Of course..."
"But I'm going to Tae's ."
"I'll take you..."
"No I'll get a bus,"
Instead Jungkook swept up Jimins bags as if  they weighed nothing while Jimin scrambled to pay quickly.
He came out opening the car door,
"where are the bags I'll get a bus"
"Locked  in the boot now give me directions..."
Huffing Jimin climbed in.
"Woah look at that pretty pouting face !" Jungkook laughed
Jimin went red then turned his face to the window.
"Well?" Jungkook asked
"Where to...?"
" down here first left across the roundabout then third right ."
Jungkook drove,the rain was pouring now .
Eventually they stopped and Jungkook got out when Jimin did.
"Come on hurry up out of the rain,I'll help you then we can go home,"
Sighing in defeat Jimin gave in and the pair walked together to Tae's apartment.
"Nice place..." Jungkook said
Jimin sneezed then nodded before hurriedly putting the stuff away.
His phone rang...
"Tae I'm just putting your stuff away..."
"Jimin you didn't need to.."
"Of course I looked after me for ages,"
"Look I know you don't like to go out since...well you know."
"I-I have to try though right?"
"Yer...did you think anymore about that jerk?"
"Hi jerk here...I've apologised ok?"
"Jimin are you ok...did he force you to do anything...oh and why the hell is he there in my place?"
"I gave him a lift..," Jungkook butted in
"Is he stalking you Jimin how did he find you...,I promise I didn't tell him."
"Call it fate,"
"Ssh will you! Er he's my new neighbour,we were both going to the store,it rained and he gave me a lift that's all....I doubt we will see much of each other, it's not like he's a friend."
"Hey! Thats rude!"
"Are you ok though...really Jimin? Don't let him intimidate you..."
"It was a shock and it brought back the bad memories, but I'm ok and will go home and work to keep my mind busy."
"Namjoon said you're doing too much....."
"Well I have a lot of time on my hands at night when I can't sleep..."
"Haven't you got your counselling this week...?"
"Tae....lets not talk about personal stuff...." Jimin slid a glance to the other male in the room who was frowning while looking at him.
"I er gotta go ok? Bye"
Clicking his phone off he tidied up the shopping bags and watered the plants.
"Your having counselling?"
"Look it's my business...let's go." He opened the front door the rain was harder.
Sighing  jungkook walked out getting in the car.
Jimin locked the door and stepped towards the car as a loud clap off thunder banged in the sky startling him so he froze on the spot getting soaked.
"Jimin get in the car!"
Jimin shook himself and got in quickly,sneezing as he shut the door.
"What an earth we're you doing look your soaked!" Jungkook scolded then leaned towards him to put the seatbelt on, but at his action Jimin panicked putting his hands up in a protecting manner in front of his face, shirking back against the seat.
"Hey.....I'm not gonna hurt you...relax....i was going to put your seatbelt on...Don't panic,breathe slowly that's it...damn your shaking! Look I'll sit back ok..."
Jimin knew he had over reacted but it had become natural to think like that..he mumbled an apology.
"I'm sorry...I can't always control the fear..."
"No I'm sorry,for the harm my family has caused you,"
He sounded so distraught that Jimin felt the need to soothe him.
"You thought I'd hurt someone you care for ,so in a way I can understand your wrath, but those that beat me up....I hate it,I hate feeling weak then and now...I want my life back."
Jungkook nodded then asked ,
"Have you ever done self defense?"
"What do you think...?" Jimin retorted
" do you want to learn?"
"I...well yet, but I don't want others staring at me , what if I'm useless at it?"
"I can teach you...."
"Yer,why not...we can do it in my place,I have a gym area....."
"I...I don't know..."
"Only you can break free of this cycle,"
"Easy for you to say, you weren't the victim!"
"So you gonna hide behind that for ever? Seems like you like being the victim," he said provokingly .
Jimin raised his arm up to slap the other,but it was caught,
"That's more like it, use that fiestiness to get yourself back to where you want to be.."
"Jerk..." Jimin pouted
"So cute," he heard Jungkook murmur .
He sneezed.
"Let's get you home, out of those wet clothes,"
Jimin looked shocked for a minute.
"I didn't mean I'd undress you....well not unless you wanted me too." Jungkook smirked
"In your dreams...pervert."
Jungkook chuckled, this cute male piqued his interest.
They got home,by now Jimin felt achy and cold but he didn't want to show the other that.
Getting out at their floor Jimin walked ahead eager to get into his safety zone.
"So decided or what?"
"Me training you..."
"I don't know ...I gotta go,thanks for the lift..."
He rushed inside staggering to his bathroom,
"So cold......"
He sank into a warm bath,sneezing,when the water cooled he dragged himself out and dressed in warm pj's, before climbing into his bed and sleeping, not hearing his phone ringing constantly as a fever took him over.

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