Sorry for the pain

567 49 2

Jimin stood up mesmerised as the waves drew him nearer to the shoreline.Back and forth they went each time they went back he took a step nearer oblivious to the fact water lapped against his knees.
The water receded back and Jimin went to take a step nearer to it when he was bodily lifted up and carried backwards.
"What the hell are you doing!"
He looked up into Jungkooks angry face.
"I'm taking a walk put me down!"
"Taking a walk where to ? the sea to be swept away can't you see the waves are getting rough your trousers are soaked!"
Jimin wriggled harshly until Jungkook had to let him stand but held on to his shivering shoulders.
"What do you care,you should have left me one less annoyance in your life!!"
"What!! Damn Jimin that's harsh..."
"Harsh?no the names you called me were harsh,the way your girlfriend treated me was harsh....but as long as the great Jeon Jungkook is ok that makes everything fine.....I really thought we......never mind,let's just agree to not meet up keep out of each others way....i know my place and I won't try to move up out of it again..."
His teeth were chattering now he felt so numb and cold.
"I'm sorry Jimin, I'm sorry for the hateful words,I just couldn't remember us....I saw you and it was like the day Jinghyun told the lies,I didn't know why you were there but I was so mad on his behalf,I only remembered today."
Jimin stared shocked,Jungkook hadn't remembered anything about them?
"I thought you had said it to make me look bad in front of your girlfriend and then you moved......."
"She's not my girlfriend ,she caused the accident,I was supposed to be giving her a lift to friends in Seoul,I've known her years,she kept yapping on in the car about how our families would like a union,how she'd always admired me. I told her to stop as it would never go anywhere,she got mad pulled my face to her saying to take a good look at what I could have....thats when the accident happened.When I was knocked out she convinced dad that we were a couple that we had been in constant contact.
She thought she could be the upcoming ceo of Jeon industries wife not realising I'd already relinquished that title."
"Well she was pretty convincing,even told me you had played me.....then you woke up and.....well it wasn't nice to hear....."
"I'm sorry so sorry I didn't mean it..."
"I....I just wonder ....if any of 'us' was true,I'm not the world's best catch...I can't afford your lifestyle ,I'm not poor I'm average.You come from a well to do family"
"We were real Jimin! My best days have been with you!"
Jimin turned away his mind all over the place and his body so damn cold,he could hear Jungkooks voice seeming to get quieter and quieter.
"I can make it up to you show you how I feel,your the best thing to happen to me Jimin...Jimin!"
He watched in shock as Jimin dropped to the ground.Rushing over he sat him up then realised how cold he was.
"Fuck! Jimin I'll take you back get you warm ok?"
He took his jacket off putting it on Jimin then picked him up walking quickly to the villa.
Nobody was downstairs as he took him in,he lay Jimin on the sofa,quickly locked the patio door then took Jimin's shoes socks and trousers off.
He put everything in the laundry room at the side of the kitchen grabbing a clean towel from there.
Coming back he rubbed Jimin's legs and feet to warm them up and Jimin woke with a gasp as pins and needles tingled in his feet as the circulation got going.
"Aah it hurts!"
"It's because the numbness is coming too,here sit still with this towel over you,I'll make a warm drink."
Jimin huddled under the towel,minutes later Jungkook came back with a steaming cup.
"Have your hands warmed up yet,I don't want you dropping this on you?"
He placed the cup on the side then held Jimin's small hands in his blowing on them to warm them up.
Jimin watched those lips for a while then realising what he was doing he looked away.
"I can hold the cup now..."
Jungkook stopped what he was doing and handed him the cup.
He sipped carefully.
"Mmmm chamomile ..."
"You like that before bed right?"
Jimin nodded surprised,so he did remember.
Jungkook stared down into the pale tired looking face.How many nights had Jimin not slept?
"I-I think I'll go to bed,I can warm up there,"
He got up hugging the large towel around him.
" believe me right?I want to make us good again.."
"I don't know....i don't think I could take it when you end it again and that's bound to happen right?you'll move on to better things a-and find someone right for you..."
"I've got that person here,please Jimin don't give up on me... !"
Jungkooks tone was anguished.
He then did something that astounded Jimin.He dropped to his knees in front of Jimin.
"I swear to you I will never harm you again,I will dedicate my life to you every day,just to see you smile,to see you are worth ten of me,your kind nature,your sweet laugh when your happy,I want it all please forgive me Jimin...." He ended in a distraught voice.
He thought Jimin had ignored his words as he started towards the stairs.
He sat on the floor his demeanour different from the cool slightly dominant male Jimin had come to know.
"Are you going to sit there all night?"
Jimin's questioning tone made him look up,
"After all I need to get warm,surely you can help me with that?"
At his words Jungkook strode towards him and claimed his lips in a needy passionate way.
"Too fucking true I'll warm you up just try and stop me,"
He threw Jimin over his shoulder and took the stairs at a fast pace. At the top faced with two doors he asked which room Jimin was in.
"Left," came a mumbled voice
Jungkook strode in then locked the door letting Jimin slide down to the floor.
He stared Jimin in the eyes as he stripped of his own clothes.
Jimins eyes filled with lust as he took in the Adonis like figure that stood proudly to attention.
"Strip!" Jungkook demanded
A little thrill ran down Jimin as he complied
"Bossy.." he muttered
"But you like it don't you?" Jungkook asked grabbing his wrist and tugging him to him.
Jimin blushed at the truth of it then gasped as Jungkook pumped their members together with his bigger hand.
He captured Jimin's moan with his mouth,swirling his tongue inside.
Jimin gave little mewls of need which turned Jungkook on even more.
"On the bed on all fours.."
Jimin did so eager for what came next. Jungkook caressed that peachy ass spreading the cheeks to display that tempting puckered hole.
He brushed a thumb against it mesmerised how it clenched at his touch.
"Fuck I've got to have you now," he murmured rubbing his hard member against it the leaking stickiness all he used as lube before pushing in deeply,groaning harshly at the tightness.
"Oh fuck!! This is what was missing,the feeling of being part of you..." Jungkook groaned.
Jimin let out panting breaths as he got used to the fullness then jungkook started moving slamming into him and catching the sensitive bundle of nerves that always took Jimin over the edge.
"Yes....more Kookie right there..."
Jungkook loved how receptive the other was but he needed more.he pulled out causing Jimin to whimper but then Jungkook flipped him over lifting one of Jimins legs over his shoulder and slamming into him again and again.
He kissed him hungrily then marked his sensitive collarbone.
Jimin felt pleasure all over his body he grabbed Jungkooks waist bringing him closer still his own member tight between them.
"Ah Kookie I'm not gonna last...."
"Come with me baby let's finish this ride together..," Jungkook panted as with a stifled moan he released into Jimin as Jimin came to, his release sticky between them his tightness squeezing everything from Jungkook.
"Fuck me...that was amazing...."
Jimin giggled the sound so sweet to Jungkooks ears.
"You warm now baby?"
"I'm hot and sticky let's shower..."
Jungkook helped him up and they showered inbetween lazy kisses.
Back in the bedroom Jungkook asked if he could stay.
"You trying it on Mr Jeon?" Jimin said sassily.
"Much as I'd love too you look like you haven't slept much lately so we will just cuddle"
They got under the covers and Jimin sprawled across his lover and sighed his eyes closing contentedly.
Jungkook caressed his back lightly until he heard Jimin's tiny snores.
"God I love you" he muttered then stopped in shock . He loved him, why hadn't he realised?
"I'll show you,I'll be the best boyfriend ever. "
He lay making plans in his head   Until everything jumbled and he succumbed to sleep.

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