Press restart

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Jimin awoke feeling so much better, yesterday was a bit fuzzy but he remembered his neighbour coming around....and soup...and what else?
He threw the cover back and stood up then glanced down at himself,he was sure he'd dressed in other clothing ...and the bedding was that changed too? With that realisation his face went bright red as little bits of memory popped back in.
The shower being naked but not alone...he gulped,he hadn't let anyone get that close in months!
He wandered out of his room stopping as he saw the sleeping figure on the sofa,sprawled like some male model.
He quietly walked up to him gazing at the muscled abs on show where the others t shirt had risen up . His trim waist showed off by low slung sweats.
One arm was slung behind his head where his dark locks were in slight disarray.
Jimin felt like all his senses had suddenly been rebooted he became very aware of how hot this man he was different from what he had perceived at their first meeting,he wasn't the overriding bully he was quite considerate.
He went to pull the cover up when a hand grabbed his wrist,
"Finished looking?"
"I-I wasn't ...I was just pulling your cover up,"
"So it took you five minutes to see that it was off?"
"Shut up.....go home..."
"Ah nice to see your back...with a touch of spiciness...!"
Jungkook suddenly jerked his hand sending Jimin toppling onto him,his mouth landed smack bang on the others.
Jimin froze as those warm lips touched his while Jungkook felt a sizzle of need shoot through him.
"L-let me up!"
"But you feel so good on me....."
Jimin began to panic,his breath came out rapidly and he shook.
"P-please...I-I ....."
Jungkook quickly realised that Jimin was spiraling to a bad place . He swiftly let go.
"It's ok...Jimin I was joking around with you ....dont panic your free I won't touch you ok?"
Gulping down breaths Jimin nodded and stood up stepping back.
Jungkook stood up too looking concerned ,
"Are you really that scared of me...? I didn't mean to harm you, I didn't know my touch would traumatise you....."
He sounded so upset that Jimin's kind heart felt sorry for him.
"It's ...not you.....I just can't seem to let anyone close...since I got beaten...,I don't feel in control, I'm scared....i know I need to sort counsellor said I should face my fears otherwise I'll always be afraid."
"My offer is still open,you know self defense...oh but if you can't stand anyone close....."
"I'll do it!"
"I will do it....i can't hide away,it's hard on my friends too and I'm not a monk, I want someone by my side,eventually...."
Jungkook felt a bit weird at the thought of Jimin having a partner.....
"Ok...let's wait a couple of days til your fully fit,go wash up and change I'll make breakfast."
Jimin nodded walking off, he spent a while under the shower before coming out with a towel wrapped around his hips.
He finished rubbing his hair dry then reached up in his closet for a jumper,as he did his towel slipped off and that's when Jungkook walked in.
"Jimin have you fallen ov....." the voice stopped as Jungkook took in the view his eyes resting on that perfect butt, lust filling his eyes.
Jimin turned around then realised he was giving the other a full frontal.
Both spoke at once..
"Sorry I thought you might have passed breakfast .."
"I was just dressing sorry if I took a while.."
Jungkook backed out but his gaze never left the other,he stumbled slightly as he quickly turned to get out.
Jimin couldn't help giggling,it was a while since he'd felt someone desired him.
He looked down at himself,
"Park Jimin your shameless!"
He dressed quickly walking out to see Jungkook walking to the door.
"Aren't you eating?"
" I'm fine ,I have to meet a friend, er Tae will be here later....have a good day........"
With that Jungkook left.
Jimin sighed.....maybe he'd got it wrong, Jungkook obviously didn't fancy him he'd looked so pleased to leave.
He ate the breakfast and cleaned up, he felt so much better than previously.
He decided to do some work but before he started he logged onto a site that was one of his favourites.
It was called dance to the music and a man called Jung Hoseok made it. He taught all types of dancing and Jimin had spent months learning moves and sending comments in via the comment section.
He'd learned that the male liked to be called Hobi and Jimin and he chatted constantly.
When Jimin logged on ,Hobi immediately sent a message.
"Jiminee where you been I have news!"
"Caught a cold been in bed what news?"
"I'm stopping my blog..."
"No! What am I gonna doo without you?"
"Come to my dance school..."
"I'm opening a dance school,so won't have time for blogging ..."
"But...I enjoy dancing with you.."
"Time to press your restart button,you told me about facing your fears,well a dance glass full of like minded people is a good place to start...."
"I-I.....,I really want to but....."
"No buts, you said you studied dance at performing arts,maybe you can teach me a few things!"
"Jimin you still there?"
"Erm,yes...and yes ok,when does it start?"
"I open in four days time, it's a building in xxxxxx street,nine thirty to sign on."
"Hey that's just down the road from me!"
"There you go then, your first new venture!"
"What's first?"
"My neighbour is teaching me self defense..."
"Wow,cool! Is he married or single,hot or not?"
"Just interested......"
"Ok....single and yes...very hot!"
"Aw are you going to get up close and personal,hot and sweaty..."
"Bye Hobi..."
Jimin cut him off embarrassed.
He thought over the rest of Hobi's words,pressing restart, he nodded, yes, that's what he would do Smiling to himself he started working, after a while Namjoon emailed him too ask if he was ok.
He told him he was recovering from a cold but was fine.
Two hours later he stretched getting up to make a snack when his front door opened.
"Jimin it's me ..."
"Tae,Tae I missed you welcome back. "He went to hug him stopping as he saw someone behind Tae.
"This is Suga...the reason why I stayed so long.....he's moving in with me and I wanted you to meet him."
"Hi Jimin I've heard a lot about you,is it ok to shake hands or would you prefer not to?"
Jimin was shocked, Tae had a boyfriend!
"Erm,hi.." he held out his hand and it was shaken gently.
"Suga makes music , he's found a studio here a nice a new dance place..."
"It wouldn't happen to be on xxxx street?"
"Yes it is? How did you know,"
"An online friend is opening up the studio, I'm gonna take lessons ."
"Wow,small world," Suga said grinning at Jimin in a way the other couldn't help but smile back.
"I was going to make some snacks and coffee want some?"
"Yes please we only just got back, I was worried about you...,that jerk didn't do anything wrong did he?"
"No.....he was very good and....hes gonna teach me self defense..."
"Woah! Where has shy Jimin gone? Self defense AND dancing ?"
"The old Jimin is gone, I'm pressing my restart button,I can't live in the  past but I can try to have a future..."
"Oh I'm gonna cry, I'm getting my old friend back!"
"Drink your coffee don't be silly..."
Tae smiled patting his friends arm,Jimin was amused to see a doting Suga watching his boyfriend  like a lovesick puppy.
They finished up and Jimin could see Suga getting fidgety so made a decision.
"Right time for you to show Suga your place I've got work to do and I'm sure you two have ...things to do too...."
Tae tried to protest but Suga stood up winking at Jimin,
"Yer we have things we could be doing..."
"What things?"
Jimin giggled as Suga smirked.
"Oh! Er yes things to do," Tae mumbled
"Bye guys speak to you soon!"
He ushered them out only to see zjungkook with a girl hanging on his arm come out of the lift.
Tae nodded to him but didn't say anything.
Jungkooks gaze lifted to Jimin, he saw confusion mixed with..hurt.....In his eyes...
Jimin hurriedly turned and went indoors.
"Mr Jeon,I'll take the file and go quickly , is there anything else?"
"What? Oh yes,can you order a large gym mat to be delivered here?" He asked his secretary who nodded.
Once in his apartment he quickly hunted through a box pulling out a file.
"I think that's it Miss Chen , the rest are in the office,it seems like it's running well, I'm pleased with the staff you recruited."
"Thank you sir,did you need a technician to set up your computer here?"
"No thank you,I can do it....,I'll be in the office tomorrow ,"
"Yes,sir...good day,"
The woman left and Jungkook flopped onto his sofa.hed been to his new offices this morning and as expected they were being run efficiently .
His mind went to this morning, how much he had wanted to smash his lips on the others while caressing that perky butt.
He groaned as his trousers became uncomfortably tight.
Park Jimin you interest me and I'm gonna try my damndest to get you to feel comfortable around me!

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