And so it goes

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Jimin got woken up by someone cursing.
"Fuck I'm gonna be late,don't you have an alarm...of course not you work from home...."
He opened his eyes to see a naked Jungkook hurriedly exiting the bed and pulling on just boxers while grabbing his clothes and muttering to himself as Jimin sat up.
"I'll just go shower in mine and change ..,right...,bye ."
He disappeared and Jimin heard his front door close.
He felt.....abandoned and used,was it him? Was it something in him that couldn't maintain a friendlier outcome?
As he thought of this his front door opened again and Jungkook came back in dropping his clothes on the floor as he saw the forlorn look on the others face.
He strode to Jimin's side of the bed pulling him close and kissing him.
"I'm sorry...that was rude of me going out like that, morning baby how are you?"
Jimin bit his bottom lip nervously,
"Haven't you got an appointment? I don't want to make you later than you are....,I'm sorry I do have an alarm but forgot to set it.....erm,I-I, hope that you don't Have any trouble...."
Jungkook felt like hitting himself at his callous behaviour, here was Jimin taking blame for something that wasn't his fault, he must have regretted last night after the way he had treated him.
"Hey,it's ok...,I'm the boss know you're not responsible for my bad behaviour, it wasn't exactly great morning after treatment was it!"
Jimin blushed slightly,
"I don't know,my two forays into sex didn't even stay the night so your one up on them..."
Jungkook looked at the other who was twisting the sheet in his fingers,he looked different from the sexy panting mess he'd had under him last night, now he looked innocent and sleepy.
Jungkook lay one large hand over the two smaller hands,
"You know it wasn't just a one off don't you? Right now I'd love you to be a hot mess under me but I really do have to do you feel about going to lunch with me at one?"
"Of course you,silly,where's your phone?"
Jimin pointed to his thrown clothes from the night before.
Jungkook picked the trousers up and pulled the phone from the pocket.
"Open it so I can put my number in and send yours to mine..."
Once done he handed it back,
"There I've put my building address in,come to my office by one ok?"
Jimin nodded then suddenly found himself pulled up to the others strong chest as hungry lips claimed his.
"See you later baby,"
Jungkook left again but this time Jimin had a smile on his face.
He got up dancing excitedly around his apartment,he went to wash up and looking at himself in the mirror as he cleaned his teeth he frowned.
He ran his fingers through his untidy hair,he'd just looped bits off every now and then and the colour was a faded blonde with dark roots.
He picked his phone up and rang a number,
"Tae.....,do you think your hairdresser would see me this morning ?"
"Jimin? Er I could ring and call you back...for a trim?"
"No...colour and cut,earlier the better,I have to be somewhere at one .."
"Oooh,mysterious....,you gonna be okay?"
"You know...I really think I will be.."
"Ok,I'll ring now and text you back."
Jimin hurriedly finished washing up when his phone beeped.
Ten o'clock ,Angels on xxxx road
Jimin grinned then quickly had a coffee and some toast before leaving the house.
He'd dressed in comfy black jeans and grey v neck jumper not sure where they would go for lunch it was accompanied by a black leather bomber type jacket.
He hailed a taxi and arrived at the discreet looking hairdressers.
Once there he was escorted to a seat his jacket taken and the hairdresser enquiring his needs.
"I want to go black and styled a bit of length on my neck but layered through the top"(imagine Jimins like crazy video!!)
"Excellent choice,er looks like someone's been doing home hairdressing?"
"Guilty....i erm didn't go out a lot, I want to start fresh."
"Well let's begin shall we..."
After a morning of colouring, conditioning and styling, Jimin gaped at the mirror list for words.
"Gosh...,you made me look so much better,it's really good thank you."
"The canvas was there already,it just needed an artists paintbrush,"
Jimin left there feeling confident he couldn't help glancing in shop windows to see his reflection, giggling when he realised what he was doing.
He walked to Jungkooks arriving fifteen minutes early.
The receptionist directed him up to the third floor. He took the lift to find himself at another reception desk.
"Yes sir,how may I help you?"
"Er Jungkook,I mean Mr Jeon has invited me to lunch,"
"Oh Mr Park ,he is just finishing up if you would like to take a seat here."
Jimin nodded sitting down.
There were various awards on the walls and Jimin stood up to read them.
"So Jisoo get in touch if anything is wrong but your tour is set to your liking..."
"Jungkookie,can't you come too...I could relax with you after the shows ?"
"I have other business Jisoo now run along ,"
Jungkook disengaged her arm and ignored her pouting glancing at his watch as she stomped off.
"Mr Jeon your appointment..."
Jungkook stared to where she was pointing and gulped.
"Jimin..." he said softly taking in the whole look. Did he know how fucking good he looked?
"Let's go.." he said roughly striding to the lift.
Jimin followed uncertainly ,the lift came and they walked inside. When the doors closed Jimin was pinned to the wall his lips claimed passionately.
"Do you know how fucking good you look,I could take you right here and now," he groaned standing back slightly and adjusting himself.
"Really?" Jimin said happily," this is the first step of me improved me."
"You can't improve on perfection..,you can enhance it and baby you've really done that!"
The lift stopped and Jungkook grabbed his hand.
"I've reserved a table at Euphorias,"
"Isn't that a bit pricey?"
"No,it's my favourite place to come to when I visited Seoul ,now I live here u can come when I want or bring clients."
"Like that woman who was clinging onto you?"
"Are you jealous baby?"
"I have no right to be jealous,I just thought she was clingy..."
"I just manage her nothing else...."
"I didn't ask...."
"I know but I just wanted to tell you."
Jimin nodded smiling.
He and Jungkook were seated and given menus. Jimin stared at the prices and looked for the cheapest.
"Er just a salad..."
"You don't eat meat?"
"Yes but..."
"Two steaks with all the trimmings, mines medium rare Jimin?
"Same..." he said quietly
He ordered a sparkling water while Jungkook had a glass of red wine.
Jimin let out a low moan of pleasure when he tasted the steak," so delicious!"
"Fuck so are you moaning like that!"
Jimin coughed drinking down some water.
"Did you have to say that?!?!"
"Well it's true ,I'm hard as a rock and your moaning like your sucking me off!"
"Just eat and no more comments!" Jimin said in his best school teacher voice.
The pair carried on eating,jimin gave a satisfied smile when he finished.
"That was yummy,I'm so stuffed,"
"I know something I'd like to stuff," Jungkook muttered under his breath.
"Coffee sirs?"
"Yes please.."
They sat drinking coffee and chatting, when Jimins face froze .
There was no reply so Jungkook turned to see what he was looking at and cursed immediately but it was too late.
"Uncle,what are you doing here and Jinghyun..."
"Jungkook,we were going to come see you,sorry to interrupt you and your friend...."
"Jimin,my Jimin....,see dad,I knew he'd come back to me."
"J-Jimin? The one you...Jungkook why are you two together...?"
"I-I have to go...,excuse me," Jimin babbled rushing off hearing Jinghyun calling him and Jungkook telling him to stop.
He rushed out blindly  nearly running into the road,his heart felt like it was going to burst.
Hailing a taxi he jumped in and got driven home. He just wanted to be in his home. He got there and pinned in his code about to go in but then he reset a new code he didn't want anyone coming in bothering him he just needed to be left alone away from everyone.
His phone was buzzing and he could see it was jungkook. He turned his phone off and went to his bedroom curling up under the cover.
So stupid Jimin, how could you even think of being with him of course his family would always come first , there was no chance they could be an item when his cousin scared the shit out of him,no chance.
He stayed quietly where he was, his phone off, ignoring the banging on the door and just rocking back and forth til it eventually stopped,then he lay staring at the ceiling his hopes shattered and his mind defeated once again.

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