Part 17 - Jailhouse Rock

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Night soon turned into day, the bright light blinding Y/n for a short moment. As the ship landed, cheers could be heard from the citizens of Storybrooke. The heroes got off the ship, one by one, before Y/n and Felix led the lost boys off.

Whispers could be heard as their feet hit the ground, but Felix and Y/n didn't care as they made their way near the ocean on the right side of the ship, staying on the sidelines.

As 'Henry' talked to his family, said his 'hellos,' and hugged a few people, he made his way over to Felix and Y/n.

"What do you have in mind, Peter? What if someone decides to open up that box? Let the real boy out?" Felix asked.

"That's not the problem. Trust me."

"What's the next step?"

"You need to be punished." Confusion was written all over Y/n's face as she looked between 'Henry' and Felix. The silence was short lived as he yelled for his parents. "What about Felix? He's still free!"

"What are you doing?" Felix whispered.

"They need to trust me."

"Henry's right," Regina said as she and the others walked over to them. "We can't just let Felix walk away freely. Or Y/n."

"Oh, don't worry, we've got plenty of cell space for them."

"Wait, you're gonna lock Y/n up too?" Henry asked, his voice laced with concern.

"She helped Pan, she tried to hurt you," Regina reminded him.

"She actually did the opposite. She made me feel better, like I wasn't alone. She even saved me from one of the lost boys."

"She still needs to be locked up. She could still be a threat," Regina retorted, gesturing for David to lock the two up.

He grabbed their arms, pulling them away from everyone else. He guided them to his car, shoving them into the backseat before getting in the drivers.

The ride was short lived, in minutes they made it to the police station. David got out of the car, pulling the two out as well. He guided them inside the station, opening the cell door, throwing them both inside.

Y/n rolled her eyes at the roughness of a hero, hearing keys jingle and the lock on the cell click. David placed the keys in a drawer of the desk before walking away, probably to meet his family, wherever they are.

Y/n sat down on the ground, her back against the wall. She had her knees up, her still tied up hands resting upon them.

"Need help?" Felix asked, gesturing to her tied up hands.

"Please." She held out her hands to her side where Felix bent down. He untied the rope, allowing her hands to move freely. She rubbed her raw wrists, hissing at the sudden pain that shot throughout her body. "Thanks."

"No problem," he replied, throwing the rope to the side, sitting himself down next to Y/n. It was silent for awhile, the only thing sounding through the air was the ticking of the clock on the wall. "So, you and Pan?"

Y/n turned her attention towards Felix. Noticing the big smirk on his face, she rolled her eyes, a smile clearly on her face.

"What about us?"

"He cares about you, I can tell."

"Oh, really? And how can you?" She challenged with a smirk.

"For starters, the way he looks at you. He doesn't look at anyone else that way. In fact, I've never seen him wear that look til you showed up. Also, the fact that he had me thrown in this cell and tried to keep you out of it."

"Yeah," she laughed out. "It's kinda weird though. Hearing him call me darling," she shivered. "I know they switched bodies but hearing Henry's voice instead of's weird."

"I get that. I'm sure he has a plan to get us out of here. Back to Neverland."

"You're quite optimistic for someone that got thrown into a jail cell per Pan's request," she laughed out.

"Hey, he threw you in here too, y'a know."

"Actually, he tried to get me to not get thrown in here too. You said so yourself," she smiled as Felix sighed and let out a chuckle in defeat.

"Alright. You win."


"Y'a know, you are a lot like Pan," Felix chuckled.

"Oh really? How so?"

"Well, for one thing, you're stubborn and you don't give up til you win."

"Well, then I'll take that as a compliment, thank you."

Felix let out another chuckle at her comment, shaking his head. Hours ticked away as the two either talked or sat in silence. Before she knew it, drowsiness started to consume Y/n, her eyelids growing heavy. Her head felt to her right, leaning against the wall beside her as darkness consumed her.

Sunshine made it way through the window, bringing light into the station. Waking up Y/n, her eyes fluttered open. She squinted her eyes, the light blinding her, before she fully opened them.

As she looked around she realized that what happened wasn't exactly a dream. Even thought she hoped it was. She hoped that her, Pan, and the others were still in Neverland, happy as can be. But she soon realized that wasn't the case.

She looked to her left noticing Felix sitting on the single bed that was in there. He seemed to be deep in thought as he didn't notice she was even up yet.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Y/n asked, still a little groggy, her face and her voice showing how sleepy she still was.

"What? Oh, no, I didn't," Felix responded, looking at her for a second before looking back at the ground in front of him.



Y/n sighed, getting up from her spot and sat next to Felix. She was silent for a few moments, trying to figure out what to say.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" That gained his attention. He lifted his head up, looking at her in utter surprise. "Oh, don't look at me like that," she laughed. "You helped me when I needed it the most, even if I didn't realize it. It's okay to need help, Felix. I'm always right here if y'a ever need me."

"Thanks, Y/n. It means a lot to hear you say that."

"What are best friends for?" She smiled warmly, lightly bumping his arm with her own.

Silence filled the room once more. Y/n's leg started to bounce as she thought of what they would do to the lost boys.

"Hey." Felix placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at him. "What's going on?"

"The lost boys. What are they gonna do to them?"

"I don't know, but they betrayed Pan."

"They're still family," she looked down at the ground in front of her. "I just hope they're okay."

"I'm sure they will be."

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