Part 11 - Whispers in the Dark

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As the moon cast its silvery glow over Neverland, Y/n and Pan concluded their intense training session, the air thick with the residue of newfound abilities and island magic.

Nightfall brought a subtle chill, a perfect cloak for the clandestine mission they were about to embark upon. Pan's eyes gleamed with mischief as he turned to Y/n, a devious grin playing on his lips.

"Training's over, love," he whispered, his voice a mischievous melody. "Now, it's time for a little rendezvous with our old friend, Captain Hook."

"Lead the way, Pan," she smirked, extending her arm out to her side, gesturing for him to lead.

His smirk grew, grabbing her hand, he led her deeper into the woods. They went farther than expected, about half way through the walk, Pan decided to just teleport them there.

The heroes voices cut through the air as they hid behind a bush, patiently waiting for Hook to be alone. Emma and Hook shared a passionate kiss before she walked off, leaving a blushing and smirking captain behind.

Now, that was their queue. Pan teleported them, so now they were leaning against a tree that was in front of Killian.

"You really should have taken my deal," Pan spoke.

"It doesn't look like I need your help with Emma after all, mate," Hook replied, turning his head to spot not just Pan but Y/n too. "And who's the lovely lady?"

Y/n raised a brow as Pan snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him in a protective manner, which did not go unnoticed by the pirate.

Pan glared at the pirate, his eyes saying, 'don't touch her or you'll die.' Y/n had to admit, it was pretty hot to see this protective side of Peter.

"You think that kiss actually meant something?" Pan asked Hook, trying to steer Hook's attention off of his lost girl.

"I do. I think it means she's finally starting to see me for the man I am," he smiled brightly.

"What? A one handed pirate with a drinking problem?" Pan asked, causing Y/n to let out a giggle at his funny remark. Pan smirked at her but the pirate only glared. "I'm no grown-up, but I'm pretty sure that's less than appealing."

"A man of honor," was all Hook said.

Pan scoffed, "So tell me, what would a man of honor like yourself do with a big, fat secret?"

"Well, that depends on what the secret is."

"Baelfire," was all that came out of Pan's mouth that caused Hook to turn his attention towards him. "Neal. Whatever name he goes by these days. The guy Emma loves, Henry's father."

Y/n's eyes went wide, thinking about what Henry confessed earlier that day. He wanted to see his family again. Whoever this Baelfire, Neal, whatever, they speak of, his father is here. And she guessed that Emma was his mother.

She was confused on what role Hook played but remembering the kiss they shared earlier, she'd say that Hook might be on his way to being Henry's new father.

"What of him? He's dead," Hook said, a little frightened as he took a step towards Pan.

"No, I'm afraid not. He's alive. That's not even the best part. He's in Neverland."

Okay, scratch that. If Neal was alive, Hook technically wouldn't be Henry's new father. Geez, now Emma has a true dilemma. Would she pick Neal or Hook?

"He's here?" Hook inquired.

"Oh, yes. Can you believe it? I'm sure Emma would love to know that Henry's father is still alive. But I'd hate for that to get in the way of a building romance," Pan taunted, pulled both him and Y/n away from Hook, stalking a few feet away from him before turning around. "So, I'll leave it up to you. To tell her or not." Pan turned them both back around and started walking towards the jungle of Neverland, before turning slightly to look at Hook over his shoulder. "Let's see what kind of man you really are."

Y/n could see the fear evident in his eyes. She smirked, loving this side of Pan. The two left Hook standing there, baffled, as they made their way to their next destination.

"I gotta say," Y/n started, gaining Pan's attention, "that side of you is very sexy."

"Oh, really?" He purred with a smirk.

"Oh, yeah. You should show it more often."

"What, you mean," he paused, his grip on her hand tight as he twirled her to the other side of him, pinning her against a tree. His other hand grabbed her throat, tilting her head up slightly so she'd be looking at him straight in the eyes. "Like this?"

"Yep, like I said, sexy," she purred, her eyes lighting up, getting slightly turned on by his hand around her throat.

"I'll keep that in mind," he chuckled, releasing his grip on her but their hands still intertwined. She gave him a smirk, continuing on to where ever they were going next.

As they ducked under one last branch, they came into view and saw a few lost boys and Felix standing next to a wooden bamboo cage, someone who looks half asleep inside it.

"Is it-" before she could even ask if that was the Baelfire he was talking about earlier, he replied.

"Yes." They both made their way to the front of the cage, a pain look on Neal's face. "How's our guest?"

"We drugged him. He'll be asleep for awhile. Where do you want him?" Felix answered.

"Hang him up. Over there." He glanced to the right side of them before looking back at Neal. "Next to the other one."

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