Part 8 - Dance of Blades

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"So, why exactly do you need Henrys' heart?" Y/n asked as they walked hand in hand to somewhere where Pan could teach her his ways.

She didn't know where they were going but she was definitely excited to get started. She's only read stuff like this in books, books she wished she could be in, books she was so into she imagined herself as the main character. Now, she was actually experiencing something magical.

"I need to show you something," Pan said, leading her somewhere else.

She looked at him confused, but where he's leading her will answer her question. He leads her to a boat sitting half on the sand and half on the water. Pan helped her in first, pushing the boat off the sand and got in. He took the rows and rowed away from shore. About 10 minutes later and they finally made it to their destination. Y/n looked behind Peter and saw a giant skull, her jaw practically dropping at the site, which causes Peter to chuckle at her reaction.

"What is this place?" She asked as Peter helped her out of the boat.

"Skull rock," was all he said as he led her inside. Y/n immediately spotted the hourglass once they made it inside. Pan looked at her and sensed she was about to ask something. "It fuels the magic of youth."

"Your youth? How long do you have?"

"Not long," Pan responded, causing Y/n to frown.

She looked at the giant hourglass in front of them and back at Pan, "How can I help?"

"First, I need to train you," he smirked.

Peter started talking about what he was gonna do to train her to be just like him. From the kind of weapons she would use and practice with to how she can read people but just looking at them. He wanted to teach her magic as well, to see if she had any, or could, but that was a lesson for another day, one step at a time.

After long hours of training, they were both exhausted, but they still kept going knowing they didn't have much time. To start with, they started off with weapons, swords.

Pan conjured a sword instantly for himself and told Y/n to use the islands magic just like she's done before, making a sword that fits her just right appear in her hand. To say Pan was stunned would be an understatement. He was impressed and shocked.

After the shock wore off, Pan struck first, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision

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After the shock wore off, Pan struck first, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. Y/n parried with a swift motion, her reflexes surprisingly adept. The clash of metal echoed through Skull Rock as their swords collided, a harmonious symphony of combat.

With every strike, Y/n felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. Pan's taunts filled the air as he pushed her limits, urging her to tap into her newfound skills. As the fight intensified, it became evident that Pan wasn't holding back; he aimed to test her, to mold her into a true reflection of himself.

Their swords danced in a flurry of movements, a blend of offense and defense. Y/n dodged and weaved, matching Pan's rhythm, learning his methods, his technique rather quickly. As the two spared, Y/n was also studying Pan's movements. Where he plants his feet, how he stands, how much force he uses when he strikes. It didn't take her long to memorize his pattern.

Pan may think he's being smart and mysterious with every move he makes, but even the most skilled of villains have a pattern they usually stick to without even knowing it.

A sudden spin, a feint, and Pan swiftly disarmed Y/n, sending her sword clattering to the ground. It was a move she hadn't anticipated, but she refused to yield. With a determined glint in her eyes, she lunged forward, relying on her agility to close the distance.

Pan, impressed by her resilience, engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Strikes were thrown, blocks were executed, and the ground beneath them bore witness to their intricate dance. As they both stood their ground, staring into each other's eyes, catching their breath, time seemed to slow, even though time was practically nonexistent in Neverland.

Y/n found this as a great opportunity to gain her sword back. An evil smirk grew on her face, confusion etched on Pans' face. She ran towards him, acting like she was gonna attack him. But at the very last minute, as Pan lifted his arm to block her 'punch,' she slid under Peter, between his legs, grabbing her sword before standing back up with ease.

Surprise was etched onto Pans' face but he was also impressed. Y/n twisted only her right wrist, the sword still in hand, making cool moves with it before pointing right back at Peter. He gave her a smirk, going for a strike only to be met with her sword.

The fight continued, each participant pushing the other to the limit. Their movements blurred, creating a spectacle of skill and determination. Y/n, fueled by a desire to prove herself, held her ground against the enigmatic Pan.

The way they were standing, their swords creating an X, a glimmer in both their eyes. Y/n, driven by a newfound strength, pushed her sword against his, going clockwise in a circle before his sword was ripped out of his hands, flipping in the air before landing straight into Y/n's hands.

Before Pan could do anything, Y/n managed to land a solid kick, raising both her arms beside her head, bringing her right leg up, kicking Pan right in the middle of his chest. The wind got knocked out of him as he landed on his back on the ground. Y/n smirked, walking up to him, placing the tips of the two swords on top of each other, creating a small X as she pointed them at his neck.

"And the student becomes the master," she taunted.

"Not bad, darling. You're a quick learner," Pan yielded, a genuine smile gracing his face.

Y/n, panting but victorious, couldn't help but smirk. "I told you I was up for the challenge."

Y/n lowered the swords, placing Pan's that she had in her left hand in her right and held out her hand for Pan to take, which he gladly did. She gave him a smile, handing him back his sword.

"Welcome to the game, Y/n. This is just the beginning."

As they stood in the gold-lit room, blades in hand, a silent understanding passed between them. The training had forged a connection, and Y/n felt a sense of accomplishment, realizing she was becoming more like the enigmatic leader of Neverland with each passing clash.

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