Chapter 53

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“ Aathira never loved Aravind truly from the bottom of her heart, it was her adamancy to get Aravind. Her father gave whatever she asked, she was raised as a princess but…. She was a sadistic princess. She can't tolerate anything that goes against her wish. She was such an egoistic, psychopath, adamant spoiled rich girl. She goes to any extent to win over other people. Like that only she tried to win Sakthi and to spoil her life “ said Saranya and looked at Gowtham’s face. He was keenly observing her.

“ Aathira developed interest in Aravind, but at that time she was unaware that Aravind was in love with Sakthi “ said Saranya and looked at both Aravind and Sakthi. They both shared an awkward eyelock. Sakthi was guilty for whatever happened. Gowtham also noticed their faces and felt pain in his heart. He was shaken after realising the truth about Aravind’s selfless love for Sakthi.

Saranya continued to speak, “ But before Aravind proposed to Sakthi, my cousin Suganya did so many things and left the world. But that evil Aathira was not stopped after that too. She was on the verge of getting Aravind in her life at any cost. Even though it troubles and humiliate him she wasn't bothered to defame him Suganya’s suicide case. She threatened him to accept her love but Aravind was offended that time and reacted against her. He proved himself innocent but Sakthi's rejection pushed him to an another extent and he completly shattered and vanished from everyone's eyes. After that none of our college mates knew where Aravind left. Already Aathira was pissed about Sakthi because she was loved by Aravind now her entire anger turned towards Sakthi for sending Aravind so far from her. During that time only Sakthi slapped Aathira in front of the whole college which aggravates her bad temper. That time itself Aathira decided to turn Sakthi's life miserable. She wants to throw Sakthi like a thrash but she waited for the right time. Another side she was desperately searching for Aravind. Year passed Aathira gained Sakthi's trust and so I earned Aathira’s trust “

“ One day Aathira got some information about Aravind's whereabouts, she believed it was the right time for her revenge. During that time Aathira also wants someone's help to execute all her plans during that time only I was closer to her.  She trusted me somehow not because she treated me as her friend, only because she believed I’m from a poor family and I need money to run my family so she thought I would do as her orders. That's why she explained her whole plan to me.Sakthi, you can't believe what that bitch had planned for you… “ said Saranya and looked at Sakthi embarrassed.

Sakthi said bitterly, “ I know Saranya, what she would have planned for me. What else can she do other than troubling me??? She wants to defame me?? She wants to leave me in the forest that night. Or she wants to hit me or she would have planned to captivate me for a few days?? I know her sole aim was only to see my pain and spoil my life. And finally it happened, “ said Sakthi and looked at Gowtham. He was ashamed at his and sister's actions and looked down on guilt.

Everyone was thinking in their mind differently, breaking the room silence Saranya's voice echoed there.
“ No Sakthi, you are wrong, actually she planned something big which you would have never thought in your life”

Sakthi was puzzled and asked her confused, “ What was it ??”. Others in the room were also confused about what was Aathira's original plan.

Saranya looked at everyone's face and said with a heavy breath “You are partially true, yes she wants you to get humiliated, actually she wants to hide you from this world for a few days to defame you. But for that she needed someone's help, to kidnap you. She wants some place to hide you, by that time only Rakshan came in the picture”. Everyone looked at her keenly.

“ Actually Aathira asked me to help her in kidnapping you and keeping you in captivity. I was shocked to know her plan. I know Aathira was a filthy girl. But I was surprised to know her dirty mind but I pretended like I will support her in everything to know everything about her especially to save you. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to give you a hint and make you escape. Maybe you would have ended up in Aathira's place “ said Saranya and looked at Sakthi pitifully.

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