Chapter 27

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" Yes Aravind, he will kill my whole family. Already I have a doubt whether he has any connections to my father's death" said Sakthi with a blurred vision.

Aravind looked at her in dead shock, the pain in her eyes shook him. Now he started to believe that the matter was more serious than he thought.

" What are you saying?? How can you say that he killed your father?? Why would he do that??" Asked Aravind.

Sakthi became thoughtful and said " I'm not confident but I have a doubt about him. Because already he threatened to kill my father once when I refused his words. Most importantly on the day of my father he was unavailable here. So I suspect his hand behind my father's sudden death"

Aravind was silent for a while, then he asked her " If he hates you so much then why did he marry you??"

Sakthi smiled bitterly and said, " I'm also searching for answers for this same question. I have asked him a thousand times but he refused to reply to me. I'm clueless, I swear I didn't know what I did to him?? So he hates me to the core. He came into my life from nowhere like a tempest all of a sudden and destroyed everything" Sakthi's eyes welled up with tears in reminiscing her old life.

Aravind felt bad for her, he understood her pain, for a moment he extended his to wipe her tears then he restricted himself. Later he asked his doubts " Are his family members aware of his activities??"

Sakthi wiped the tears and said " He doesn't have anyone except an old lady, who takes care of him and his home. Earlier when he pretends to love that time he told me that he is an orphan "

Aravind's eyes raised up in shock, he quickly reacted " What?? What are you saying?? Don't you know about his family??". Sakthi was confused and nodded her head positively.

" No, I don't know anything about his family and also I have never seen any of his family till now. He lives all alone" said Sakthi. Gowtham was in utter shock, he looked unbelievable.

" Sakthi, you have seen one of his family members. In Fact you know that person very well" said Aravind. Sakthi's eyes popped out in surprise. Immediately she urged him to tell who it was. When Gowtham said the name of that person she was dumb. She couldn't believe it, the answer made her speechless.

" Aravind are you sure ?? " Sakthi's voice stuttered, she trembled and started to sweat profusely.

" Yes Sakthi, I'm pretty sure Gowtham is Adheera's brother. I saw him once with her during our college days. In fact, I saw his father too. They both came together to leave Adheera in college hostel when she was in first year "

Sakthi's head started to spin, now she became more confused than before.  She wondered why Adheera's brother wanted to marry her?? Why does he wants to torture her?? What happened to Adheera and his father?? Why are they not living with Gowtham??

Meanwhile Aravind saw Gowtham returning back, he immediately alerted Sakthi about it. " Sakthi, look at there Gowtham is coming back. I'm leaving now"

Sakthi gained her senses and pleaded, "Aravind, I need your help. Please help me, I want to know more about his family. And also I want to know the truth behind my father's death "

Aravind nodded his head, "Sure, next week also you come to this temple. I will find all the details you asked for and then I will meet you.Now I have to move. He is nearing us. Don't worry I'm there for you, take care bye" said Aravind and left the place like a wind. Sakthi saw him leaving behind the temple backyard, she sighed relaxed.

Sakthi became thoughtful about the bitter truth, she looked completely shattered with the truth she came to know. She vaguely remembered how she saw the Gowtham's family photo in that locked room. Now she realised why she felt familiar with that small girl in that photo. It was none other than Adheera, she cursed herself for not realising this truth till now.

Sakthi felt tired, she really weak to stand on her feet, she stood with the support of a pillar. She reminisced about what happened between her and Adheera during their college days. All of a sudden she lost her balance and fell down unconscious. At the same time Gowtham reached that place, he saw her on the floor and was stunned. Immediately he rushed to her side and took her in his arms.

"Sakthi…. Sakthi…what happened to you?? Get up Sakthi " said Gowtham worried and patted her cheeks repeatedly. There was no movement from her side, he sprinkled the water droplets on her face to make her wake up. Again and again he tried to make her wake up but she didn't gain consciousness. Gowtham grew worried and took her in his arms to take her to the hospital.

He went to his car and placed her safely on the back seat. Lakshmi maa saw him and joined along with them. She asked him what happened to Sakthi, why she is unconscious. Gowtham too explained that he didn't know what happened, he said when he returned back she fainted. Without any further delay Gowtham drove her to the hospital.

Within a few minutes they reached the hospital, Sakthi was kept under treatment.  Gowtham Doctors took a few tests and gave her an injection, they asked Gowtham to wait until the results came. Gowtham stayed at her side and caressed her head worriedly. He shared his fear with Lakshmi ma, and indirectly expressed his feeling for Sakthi.

" Lakshmi maa, I shouldn't have left her alone in the temple, I would have brought her with me. Most importantly I shouldn't have let her stay hungry for a long time. I must have forcefully fed her, see now what happened to her?? It was all my mistakes" Gowtham blabbered. Lakshmi maa looked surprised seeing this new face of Gowtham. She understood that he really started to like Sakthi.

After a while Gowtham became impatient when Sakthi didn't wake up. He went to the doctor room and asked the doctor worriedly about what happened to Sakthi. Doctor smiled, he assured that Sakthi is fine and also he shared a piece of good news with him.

" Mr. Gowtham, you are going to become a father. Your wife is pregnant " said the doctor. Gowtham turned extremely happy hearing this, at first he couldn't believe this news. He again asked the same to the doctor. " Doctor, are you sure?? "

Doctor smiled and confirmed, " Yeah Mr. Gowtham, I was waiting for the blood test report. Just now it's arrived, it's confirmed your wife is six weeks pregnant. Congratulations "

Gowtham's eyes twinkled in happiness and he conveyed his gratitude to the doctor and rushed to see Sakthi. On the way he saw Lakshmi maa and shared this news with her.

" Lakshmi maa I'm going to become a father. I can't express what I feel now, I'm so glad. Again I'm getting my lost family, my child will complete my  incomplete life" said Gowtham ecstatic with a happy tears.

To Be Continued...


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