Chapter 35

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Next morning as usual Aravind was getting ready for college in his hostel room, he looked dull due to Sukanya's death and yesterday's happenings. Even though he hit Aathira angrily for her cheap deeds, now he felt bad for hitting a woman in a public place. He thought it was his mistake that he turned short temper after she behaved rudely. So he decided to apologise to her for his behaviour on the last day.

Aravind with his friends entered the college premises and he walked towards his classroom. But after a few minutes of walk he realised that everyone was staring at him and gossiping among them. He didn't understand why they were behaving like that, even his friends were confused at this. During that time his friend Shiva ran towards him, Aravind looked at him puzzled and asked him what happened.

" Shiva what happened?? Why are running like this?? Why did you look tense??" Aravind asked, confused.

" Aravind, it's a big problem now. At first you come with me only then you will understand everything" Shiva dragged him to the campus area where so many people were crowded. Aravind and Shiva both walked inside the crowd and reached the announcement board. Aravind was in dead shock to see the posters on the board.

The entire board was filled with posters of Aravind abs and Sukanya pics. It was posted as Sukanya was holding Aravind's leg with tears. Also  a phrase was written on the poster that,
"Justice for Sukanya's death"

Aravind can't believe his own eyes, he gets stunned to see his images. A day before Sukanya's death she proposed on her knees and begged for his love. But while Aravind rejected she cried in front of him. All such instances were stuck on that board. Aravind heard that the crowd turned towards him and gossiping about him angrily. He understood that he was framed for ditching a girl and pushed her to die. 
Looking at everyone's anger, he had blurred vision, he became speechless. He felt embarrassed, he was astounded how it all happened. Shiva held his hand and gave him emotional support. Soon after that Shiva pulled him out of that crowd and they both went to a secluded place. Aravind was still not in his senses to understand what was happening??

" Aravind, we shouldn't have left that b***h yesterday. See now what she did, she was trying to tarnish your image. She framed you in Sukanya's suicide. I swear, now we should not leave that Aathira, we have to take some severe action against her." Shiva yelled angrily. Only by then Aravind reminisced about Aathira's warnings yesterday. Now he clearly understood that she was behind this conspiracy. For yesterday's insult she cleverly took her revenge on him.

" Shiva, leave that girl, we will see her later. Now at first I'm afraid that how will I clear my name?? Not only my reputation this will disturb my studies too. We are in the final year so I have to do something before this gets blown up. Orelse I have to face serious consequences. Who knows maybe by this time our principal would have heard about it. I don't know what will happen now??" Aravind muttered confusedly. Shiva became thoughtful after he heard it.

" Meanwhile, one of their friends informed them that the principal wants to meet Aravind immediately.  Hearing this news Aravind looked tense. He worried about how to prove his side's truth. Shiva worried about him.

" Don't worry Aravind, you are innocent. We will prove it to everyone and will clear your name. I'm with you" Shiva promised him. But still Aravind was anxious. Soon after that he gained all his strength and walked towards the principal's room.

On the way he met Aathira, she was waiting for him. She looked at him mockingly and proved their suspicion about her. She thought after seeing his name defamed throughout the entire college, he would come on his knees and beg in front of her to save him from this defamation. But he behaved differently, completely ignoring her like she did not exist and walked away. Which made her mad more than before. Whatever happened she decided to not give up Aravind to anyone. She wants to make him helpless to accept her. She thought that she would win him and also would be the best punishment for him to separate his love and marry him. She planned to insult and torture him every day and night for her humiliation. When her brother Gowtham asked her about the police station issues, she cleverly manipulated him. She said she went to meet a boy to ask for justice for a girl's death. She said she became emotional so she behaved like that yesterday. She didn't mention Aravind's name anywhere but she cooked up her own story to Gowtham. As a lovely brother he believed her story and thought that his sister is so great to fight for another girl's justice. He asked her to tell him if she needs any help. But Aathira cleverly ignored him to avoid being getting caught for her cheap acts

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