Part 16: "Confused"

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Elora hurried down the steps and into the main room after hearing the commotion. The fights at these parties are always over petty things, but still frowned upon. And since most of the adults were inside drinking and bragging about their trips to exotic beaches, it was Eloras job to handle it.

"You ruined my Luca Faloni shirt." A young man with a buzz yelled as Elora tried to get through the sea of adults.

An extremely upset boy was standing infront of Charlie. There was a  wet spot on the front of the boys shirt. Charlie was holding a half empty cider glass looking extremely apologetic.

"Do you know how much I payed for this?" The boy scoffed in his face.

"I don't want any trouble, I'll pay for it." Charlie tried to ease the tension, but the louder the boy got a crowd would form.

"Listen man, it was an accident." Charlie spoke calmly

"You were an accident." The boy said earning some 'Ooo's' from the crowd of immature girls and boys.

"Leave him alone Travis." Sabrina stepped in irritated.

"No you leave us alone, don't want you to split your ends or whatever." 'Travis' retorted thinking he was clever.

"I know about you Thomas kids. I heard that your mom only got with him for the money. And i wouldn't be surprised if you were all in on it." Thomas slurred.

"God you are so pathetic." Sam finally spoke after letting his brother 'handle the situation'.

"Who the hell are you?" Travis shouted

"It doesn't matter. He didn't mean to ruin you little shirt, he already offered to pay. You have no right speaking my moms name. Either leave or there's gonna be another problem." Sam was already annoyed and didn't need this either.

"Whatever know-it-all, that's not the satisfaction i want. He messed up something of mine so I mess up something of his." Travis began to moved toward the two.

"Back up." Charlie said in a low tone.

"Or what?" Travis smirked, the scent of alcohol on his breath.

Travis landed a punch onto Charlie's right cheek. Which only made matters worse. Sam reciprocated knowing Charlie was never much for a fight, neither was Sam but he was in the moment. The two tussled on the ground for a solid 5 minutes when Elora finally made it out.

"SAM?" Elora shouted as she removed her heels to run over.

The crowd of people moved out of her way knowing her respectful name, also in fear Nona would kick them out of the country club. She ran up to the two motioning to Sabrina to help pull them apart, Charlie handing money over to Travis's friend for the shirt. Sam seemed to be in a different planet, full of rage. Finally the two girls removed the pair and pulled them apart.

"Oh look who decides to finally talk to  me." Sam glared at the girl. Elora's heart sank, but all the cared about was caring for his wounds.

"You're coming with me." Elora said coldly helping the boy up.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Sam replied angered.

"Either you come with me and I help you, or you can go and face your mother." Elora said dusting off his clothes.

"I'm not talking to you." Sam spat shoving her hand away.

"Elora? Elora! Oh my god what happened?" Roman ran outside catching his breath.

"Of course prince charming." Sam groaned as Elora continued to wipe his clothing off.

Elora motioned for Sam to follow her without saying a word to Roman. Roman wasn't upset though, he could practically see the smoke coming from her ears. Sam followed stomping behind her giving Roman the bird as he passed.

Confusion • Sam Thomas Where stories live. Discover now