Part 13: "He can go"

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Elora had spent her Christmas break working at the  Cafe, her and Roman had all but 2 shifts together so they had grown very close and even started a routine. Elora would prep everything before they opened, They would work together for 3 hours, Roman got the first break and would leave to get the two lunch, Once he was back Elora got her break and ate lunch, they'd work together until their shift was over, Roman would clean the dining area, Elora took behind the counter, and finally Roman would drive Elora home.

"Ready to go rookie?" Roman asked as he pulled his hoodie over his head and handed Elora her jacket.
"Yeah absolutely." Elora said switching the lights off and walking out to Romans car which he had heated up for them.

"So what're you doing for the rest of your break?" Roman asked the girl who was making herself comfortable.
"Oh well my grandma is throwing her 'rich people' parties for not only Christmas Eve And New years, but also for her dog's birthday" Elora groaned as she twisted under her seatbelt.

"So what i'm hearing is you get to wear ugly sweaters and drink egg nog? that's not bad." Roman said with a chuckle as he watched the girl struggle.
"Oh no, no no no. I wish it was Ugly sweaters and Egg nog. My grandma takes these parties very seriously, they aren't even hosted at my house it's the at lake house!" Elora finished as she finally settled in.

"Well, tell me about it." Roman said, he had started to enjoy Eloras nightly story times.

"Basically at all these parties I have to look super nice since my grandma is the host which is fine, I love an excuse to dress up. But the whole night I feel like i'm walking on egg shells because my grandma talks so highly of me to all these super snobs and i don't want to make her look bad." Elora said with a sigh.

"So there's no one you know at the parties?"

"Well there's people my age, but I haven't seen most of them for years, and they all live in different areas their families are just part of this weird club thing."

"Gotcha. Well just know that i'll have my phone on me at all times so shoot me a text and i'll swing by and-," Roman said gesturing to his phone.

"Wait!! You should come!!" Elora said excitedly as she turned her body toward him.

"I don't know if you'd want that." Roman laughed

"No no, my grandma would absolutely love you!! You could meet my mom, OH OH, you could bring your family too if you wanted!!" Elora said as she smiled brightly.

"My parents are out of town with my great aunt for the holidays."

"What about your siblings?"

"they're with my parents."

"So you're home alone for the holidays?" Elora asked with a concerned face.
"It's really not that bad,  my parents just mailed my gifts so i'll be fine." Roman responded shrugging it off.

"Well you're always welcome into our home, my grandma would love you for the holidays, she'd probably like you more then me." Elora smirked.

"You're so sweet Rookie," Roman said as he ruffled the girls hair.

The rest of the car ride was small talk and the radio playing until Roman pulled into Eloras driveway.

"i'll text you to make sure everything's good with you coming to the party !" Elora said as Roman opened her car door and began to walk her inside.

"You don't have to pity invite me, it's okay, i'll be okay." Roman chuckled as he stopped infront of her door and looked down at her. "Shut up, i want you to come." Elora opened her house doors and watched Roman walk to his car.
"Goodnight Roman, be safe! Text me when you're home." Elora shouted as he opened his car door. "Goodnight rookie, sweet dreams" He blew a kiss and got into his car.

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