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Isabelle wept over Jessica's corpse as the sounds of the infected sinning became screams and howls as they burnt to death. Isabelle's mind sunk into the depths of the void of depression, she had truly now lost everything she had cared about.

"We have – to move." Dee whimpered out.

Isabelle stared at Dee blankly with a thousand-yard stare.

"Isabelle, I know you are grieving right now but we have to move."

"What's the point I have nothing left." Isabelle spoke as she held Jessica's body, and her family home burnt to the ground behind her.

"I do, so I need you to pull yourself together because I don't want to die here."

Isabelle looked at Dee pleading for her help so gently rested Jessica's head down on the floor and shut her eye lids and walked over the Dee and gabbed her trying to pick her up, but Dee could no longer stand on her own the pain was too unbearable.

"Stop. Stop. You are going to have to drag me."

Isabelle stood behind Dee and lifted her up under her armpits and began to drag her away from the burning house towards the tree line leaving a trial of her blood behind her.

Isabelle leant Dee up against a tree and sat down next to her and the two watched the fire engulf the house in a bright orange flame against the vast blackness of the night. The screams of Singing faded away and no other sounds were heard approaching, the only sound in the air was the crackle of flames.

"What a fucking mess." Dee uttered as she looked down at her broken body.

"What can I do to help." Isabelle queried.

"Nothing. I'm going to bleed out."

"Fuck. No, there must be something I can do."

"Just talk to me."

"About what?"

"Just talk. I don't want to die alone with my thoughts. I'll be with Jack soon."

"Was Jack your husband?"

"He was. It was our anniversary today. Twenty-one years."

"Wow. That's a long time, tell me what he was like?"

"Wonderful." Dee pushed out breathless.

"I lived here with my brother, Jessica and my grandfather. My parents and partner also used to live here. We had some incredible times here. Tell me about the camps, how many survivors are there."

Silence. "Dee? —" but there was no response she had succumb to her injuries and had faded away. Isabelle leant over and close her eyelids and slumped herself next to her body and watched the orange flames dance as the last ounce of happiness and hope left her soul.

Singing of the dead (Novel one)Where stories live. Discover now