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"We can go this way, Jess; it'll lead to the church and then we can re-join the backroads and head home."

"Okay, are you okay Iz?"

"No I'm not okay. Are you okay?"

"Nope not at all."

"Do you believe in God Jess?"

"You know what Iz, I Think I do."

"I never did, Atlas did, my parents did, my grandparents did, hell even Chole did. But God can't be real, can he? How would he, or she, Let this happen? The world has fucking ended and how could they let grandad's mind go and kill Atlas? Why do you think God Is real Jess?"

"I' don't know Iz. I think there must be something right? Some light at the end of the tunnel? I would rather live in hope then have no hope."

"Hope for what though Jess?"

"I don't know Iz. I think the best way to look at is there is a God, but they cannot control what they have created and is just observing our free will?"

"But if God created everything, how would he not be able to control it? If God is that powerful and chooses the world to be like this, how can God be good?"

"Isabelle, look at it like this, your mother created you but can not control what you do."

"I suppose I get it."

"Why did you want to go to church anyway?"

"My parents and grandad are Singers, and my brother is dead. Praying for their salvation doesn't seem like such a bad idea."

"I don't remember the last time I went to church; I think it was before me and Atlas started seeing each other."

"I haven't been since Atlas was christened."

"You know he told me that if we ever got married, he would want it in the church."

"Would you?"

"What get married in a church?"

"No. Would you have married Atlas?"

Jessica stopped walking and Isabelle could see her thinking.

"It's okay Jess, you can tell me the truth."

"I do love Atlas, but if things were different with the world, then... No, I don't think I would have done, I think if he asked, and I said yes it would have been for the wrong reasons. I have always wanted my own family and if someone asked me to marry them it would be hard for me to say Yes because I wanted to and not feel like I needed to. Does that make sense?"

"Yeh, I get you. You know me and Chole were engaged, not long before the outbreak, we kept it a secret we planned to elope in New York. But then well, everything happened."

"No way! You were going to get married? How come you didn't tell anyone?"

"We just wanted it to be us two and keep it romantic. I did tell one person, my brother. He was my best friend."

"Mine too. Do you think he died peacefully?"

"I hope so. I hope grandad was by his side."

"Iz, do you think... Do you think we could ever live alongside them again?"

"What? My parents and Grandad?"


"You saw it right? I don't think they can be around humans without either killing them or turning them. It's like they can't control it."

"I know. I know, it's nice to think though, right? It doesn't look like that helicopter we saw last week is coming back."

"We move up north Jessica. It's just me and you now. I think its's the best move."

The two continued walking in the sunlight, the sun rays finally began to warm the ground the soles of their shoes becoming less damp as the concrete road heated. The church was now in sight, its stone spire piercing though the cloudless pale blue sky, its small graveyard attached next to its service building. It was truly a beautiful monument that was one of the only historical and architectural prowess that Wheelback had to offer.

The pair approached the church before stopping as they could hear something from coming inside, Isabelle and Jessica crouched down and approached the stain glass window slowly before peeping inside.

There must have been two dozen Infected sitting on the plinths, with their hands held together and in a faint whisper soft noises leaked from their mouths.

Isabelle and Jessica slowly turned to face each other, and Isabelle stared into Jessica's bright blue eyes glowing against her pale face in front of the light blue sky and her face emoted a 'what the fuck'. The two girls slowly backed off the only sound being the heavy breaths expelling from their lungs. The Two shuffled away from the church and continued down the road for some way, constantly turning around to make sure they were not being followed.

The two sat on large rock on the side of the road contemplating what they had just saw.

"Jessica. What the fuck was that."

Jessica was speechless and just stared a terrified glare at Isabelle with her blue eyes her ginger hair gently blowing in the wind.

"Jessica. Were they praying?"

Jessica gulped and managed to force some words out.

"I... I think they were."

"What the fuck. There was so many."

"How long have they been there do you think? How didn't they see us?"

"When I first went into Burger and Slush that night it was like my parents were hibernating until they woke up again, maybe it was like that?"

"I don't know Iz, I think we should go home now though."

"Yeh, let's go. We need to sort ourselves out and leave Wheelback as soon as possible, if those ever got out, we are fucked."

Isabelle and Jessica continued to walk home, the sun actually warming for a day in January, Jessica's freckles even became more prominent. Barring Atlas being dead, Jim now being infected and the looming danger that lived inside the church, it was a beautiful day.

Singing of the dead (Novel one)Where stories live. Discover now