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Lieutenant Gould sat inside his office drinking his coffee whilst he studied the maps in front of him. He had scheduled a meeting for a recon mission and was waiting for his officers to attend. A knock at the door interrupted his study and he placed his coffee down on to the table.

"Enter. You're late."

Through the door three people entered one was Martin, one was Jack and the other was a Woman named Dee. The three stood in a line and Dee spoke on behalf of them all.

"Sir, I apologise for our lateness there was an incident in the labs, Sir."

"Anyone hurt?"

Jack replied:

"Sir, One civilian casualty. One got my arm pretty good but I'm okay. Sir."

Lieutenant Gould scanned over Jacks bandaged arm.

"Go and see medical."

"Sir, with all due respect if Dee is going on this econ mission, I'm going with my wife Sir."

"Dee why are you here? Where is Mark?"

"Sir, I am here in place of Mark, he is assisting getting the Infected ready for shipment."

"Very well."

Lieutenant Gould gestured with his hands for the three to take a seat and pointed at various circles on his map.

"As you can see, we have sightings of Infected here, here and here. No civilians to account for apart from two spotted here in Wheelback a week ago. I want this to go smoother than the operation at Grey-Side. Recon the area's tonight from the sky and see if the numbers of infected are the same. There was non spotted in Wheelback, so let's make sure non come out in the dark. If it is clear, Tomorrow we go and save these two females and anyone else that might be with them. Gear up."
The three stood and acknowledged the orders and set on their way to undergo the mission.

Martin and Jack set up in the front of the helicopter and Dee in the back with her night-vision goggles and set off, the blades of the helicopter cutting through the air as they flew away from camp. Away from safety.

"Hey Martin, did you know it's mine and Dee's anniversary today?"

"Congratulations, and what could be better than spending your anniversary with me, how romantic. How many years?"

"Yes Dee, how many years have we been married?"

"Oh fuck I know you know as well, erm, eighteen... no nineteen, wait how old is Josh now? Nineteen, so we have been married twenty-one years! Jesus."

"And here is to another happy twenty-one years."

Martin turned his head to wards Jack and shook it side to side.

"How come the man remembers the anniversary Dee, I thought it was the man's job to forget and the women to remember, what type of woman are you, Dee?"

"Oh, hear that Jack, I think your friend thinks he's got big bollocks, remind me again Martin when is your anniversary?"

"Ouch that one cut deep there Dee, tell me is your sister still single."

"I always thought you had a thing for the lieutenant."

"Fuck off." Martin said cheerfully as he turned in his seat to face Dee and flip his middle finger up at her.

"I think you are right Dee; I've seen the way he looks at him as well."

"You can fuck off as well Jack. Least I didn't get fucked up by a chained up Infected." Martin said as he pointed at Jacks arm.

"War wounds my friend. When's the last time you got close to one without pissing your pants."

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