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"Keep that fucking axe away from me, or I will fucking kill you." Dee coughed and walked forward entering the house holding the side of her body with one hand and her pistol in the other. She fell to her knees and Jessica helped her to stand back up as Isabelle stood there staring out of the door into the looming night.

"Isabelle! Help me get her onto the sofa."

Isabelle pivoted on her foot and kicked the door shut and assisted Jessica on laying this stranger down onto the sofa.

Dee grunted in pain as they lowered her on to the sofa.

"Is there anyone else here or is it just you two?"

"Everyone else is dead." Isabelle said as she stared into Atlas' blood touching its dried remnants.

"What the fuck is wrong with her." Dee asked Jessica.

"Sorry, it's just we lost her brother and her granddad recently and we are currently tripping balls..."

"I'm sorry? You are what? You two are fucking idiots why the fuck are you high when there is so many Infected around."

"I – we just –"

"Shut the fuck up and listen to me. Our chopper crashed into the church, and I got chased this way. I had to shoot my own fucking husband in his face, so you best sober up fast. They are coming."

Isabelle stopped touching her brother's blood and spoke.

"A chopper, we saw one of them a few days ago was that you."

"Yeh, why the fuck do you think I'm here, we came to rescue you and take you back to camp. Well tonight was meant to be recon only, but that plan went to shit. What the fuck are you still doing in this town anyway."

"The camps are real? We had no idea." Jessica said.

"Yes, they are real, I'm from sector four. How secure is this property? Is there anywhere else we can go."

"I think I'd rather stay here until this wave calms down." Isabelle said.

"You what's your name?" Dee questioned Jessica.

"I'm Jessica, That's Isabelle."

"Well Jessica you need to tell Isabelle we need to get ready because at least three Infected are coming this way, possibly more. In this condition I can't hold them all off, so YOU need to sort your friend out if you don't want us all to die and get ready."

Jessica grabbed Isabelle by the face and forced her to look at her, Jessica looked at Isabelle and the scars on her face withered around like noodles.

"Iz. Iz, we need to get it together. The Singers from the church are coming and we need to run and maybe even fight them. I've never fought one before, but you have and I'm pretty sure she has, so you need to pull it together and look after me."

Isabelle listened to Jessica's words as they forced there way into her mind, and she nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"Yes. Yes, I'm with it, where are your weapons Jess?"

"My knife is here and my bat, it's upstairs I'll get it." Jessica was terrified but happy that her words had gotten through to Isabelle. She ran up the stairs to grab her weapon.

"Did I just here her say a bat and a knife?" Dee questioned Isabelle.


"Fuck me. Knives and baseball bats, don't you have any guns?"

"Why the fuck would we have guns, I have an axe as well."

Jessica had almost reached the bottom of the stairs at this point and Isabelle looked over to her.

Singing of the dead (Novel one)Where stories live. Discover now