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Reality hit the girls again for a brief moment and they pulled away from each other, Isabelle with a worried look on her face as she felt the euphoria transform into guilt.

"That was a mistake Jess, we shouldn't have done it."

"Was it?"

"Yeh it was just us playing a game taking it too far. It's just the drugs."

"I don't think it is."

"... Neither do I. But we shouldn't have done it."

"I don't want the night to end here Iz..."

"Neither do I. But maybe we should do something else instead?" Isabelle didn't really want to do something else, she wanted to carry on playing this stupid game of truth or dare to see what else could happen with this gorgeous girl sitting in front of her. If she was being honest with herself if it wasn't for Atlas, she would carry on, but she couldn't let her now dopamine filled brain overcome her rational guilty feelings for her brother.

"I wouldn't mind going for a walk, I don't want to stay inside I want to experience outside and take everything in."

"That sounds good Jess, but I'm not sure it's a good idea to go wondering in the darkness when we are not sober."

"Iz, you have said it yourself tonight, we haven't heard any of them for months. Besides we can just walk along the water, we know its safe to get there and we can see for quite a distance even in the dark. It'll be safe."

Isabelle knew Jessica was probably right but didn't know if they should take the risk or not. On one hand she didn't want to stay inside with Jessica in case anything escalated but on the other hand she also didn't want the night to end and an evening stroll with Jessica did sound like fun.

"Okay. Fine. But we just stick to the way we know and stay together. Should we wake Atlas up to tell him?"

"I don't think so Iz, he might be a bit funny about it... besides he will wake up if big Jim needs anything and we can leave a note just in case he wonders where we are and deal with whatever he has to say later."

With that it was decided and the two threw back on the clothes they had taken off and layered up some more and set off on their journey. Little did they know but this journey would change the course of their lives forever.

The two hastily walked through the darkness of the trees, Isabelle had a moment where she thought she heard something, but it turned out to be the same dog her and her brother had saw days prior, Isabelle pointed it out to Jesscia but due to the dense treeline she couldn't see it. They ventured onwards and into the open riverbanks. The cold breeze gently cooling there faces from the faux heat the ecstasy was providing them. Outside was nice, it was a wonderful night, the moonlight reflected off the smooth flowing water creating illusions of light dancing and the trees moved gently as if it was in motion with the water itself. Without even realising it Jesscia and Isabelle were walking holding their soft feeling hands together.

Isabelle stopped walking as she realised that the two of them were both completely unarmed.

"Shit we are completely unarmed. – You know what it don't matter. You was right Jess, this is a good idea and it's gotta be safe enough, right?" Isabelle was shocked with how relaxed she was being and how unbothered she was with precautions being thrown to the side. But it didn't matter to her, she was for once happy. They were both safe, wasn't they?

The two walked a fair distance and time went so fast but also felt so slow at the same time. The two talked about anything and everything from the meaning of life to what flavour crisps was the best. Until they reached a part of their journey where the riverbank opened into a big lake area and the two came to the realisation that they had walked miles.

"I can't believe we have made it here already." Jessica said.

"We should probably head back?"

"I don't mind carrying on?"

"I mean I kind of want to as well but there isn't much more if we continue this way... unless we go to the left and..." Isabelle stopped her self-talking.

"What's to the left?"

"Burger and slush."

"The place big Jim was on about?"

"Yeh. But I haven't been there since the outbreak. It might not be safe?"

"Now is our chance though? We can go and find out if big Jim is on to anything? There could be supplies or anything there?"

"There could be singers as well."

"We would hear them though and can just not go any further if we did?"

"I mean, we could do that..." Isabelle wondered why she began to agree with Jessicas plan, was it because she was curious as to what her grandad was talking about or was it because she wanted to do whatever she could to enjoy this night with Jess as much as possible? Or was it a bit of both?

The plan was agreed upon, they would venture to the restaurant but if they heard anything that could even remotely sound like a singer they would turn around. They walked close to the lakeside and gazed at its water with their jittery eyes as their jaws clenched and their hands sporadically squoze together tighter as the waves of bliss leaked from the centre of there minds outwards. The ground crisped beneath their gentle footsteps only interrupted by the beeping off Isabelles watch as the time turned to midnight and the New Year was upon them.

"What's that beeping?"

"It's my watch. It's now midnight. Happy New Year Jessy."

Jessica stopped her steps in turn making Isabelle stop hers and she then swivelled around causing the moonlight to shift on her hair and with her hand that was not holding on to Isabelles she grabbed Isabelle around the waist and pulled her closer as she kissed Isabelle for the second time this night. Jessica let go of Isabelles hand and slid it underneath her top feeling the scars on her body as her hand moved upwards towards Isabelles chest gripping as she did. The kissing became more intense, and Isabelle slid her fingers past Jessicas waistline, and she felt her fingers brush past what felt like lingerie and continued downwards until her fingertips became gently wet. Isabelle felt a breeze caress past her neck and the coldness of the wind re-awakened her to reality and she quickly pulled away from Jessica as the euphoria immediately transformed into guilt.

"What the fuck are we doing Jess."

"What we both want."

"No Jess, I can't beliv- We can't. It would destroy my brother. Jesus Christ Jess, what about Atlas?! It's just the drugs, earlier was a mistake and this is now."

"It wasn't a mistake then."

"We just took that game too far Jess."

"Even if it was a mistake earlier. It didn't feel like it then and it dose not feel like a mistake now."

"So, what if it wasn't Jess? Think about Atlas. This isn't fair on him. It's my fault I know you know I lov- I know you know, and you are doing it just for me, It's my fault. You are just trying to make me happy and it's the drugs."

"It's not your fault. I am my own person Iz, I want this, and I think I've wanted it for a long time... I do love Atlas, but I love him more like a friend. I just don't know Iz. I really like you and I feel like I have to be with Atlas because I don't know what else to do." Jessica began to cry and the reality that had already hit Isabelle devastated its way into her. Isabelle stepped forward into Jessica's reach again and hugged her.

"It's okay Jessy, lets just forget about what's happened, it's been a crazy night. Let's just chalk everything up to that."

Isabelle's secret wish had come true tonight, but she wish it hadn't. Even though she knew she was in love with Jessica, knowing the feeling was mutual was heart-breaking. Knowing they both felt the same was devastating as they couldn't be together over their love of Atlas.

The two finished their embrace and had a brief conversation about whether they should continue to walk to burger and slush or turn back home.

They continued.

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