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Jessica ran over to Jim asking him what was wrong but unlike Isabelle she hadn't worked out what Isabelle already had.


"What Iz? What's going on? What's up with big Jim?"

"Jess, it's—" Isabelle couldn't finish her words but the expression on her face spoke her words to Jessica and Jessica understood.

"No... No... it can't be..." and as Jessica began to turn to run inside Jim grabbed her arm and softly shook his head.

"My dear... let's all go in together; you shouldn't have to see him alone. Neither should you." Grandad turned and looked at Isabelle, even though he didn't recognise who she was he could tell that this young woman should not have to go inside alone either.

For the rest of the day, Isabelle and Jessica dug a six-foot hole in the ground to bury Atlas. It was down the bottom of the garden parallel to Chole's burial site. The digging took its toll on the two women, tearing up the ground was no easy task. The rain from the last few days had turned the topsoil into mush and compacted the soil underneath into hard dense darkness. Both physically and mentally tired they lowered Atlas' cold limp body as respectfully as they could into the ground along with Jim doing his best to help and then covered Atlas back over with soil and placed a homemade cross on the level ground after and they all said a few words. Heart full words poured out of both Jessica and Isabelle's trembling lips, but Jim was unable to say anything without bursting into tears and falling to his knees, tears flooding out as words couldn't congregate together in his mouth but his heart broken emotion on his face said all the words, he wished he could articulate.

The three sat inside Jims room that night, it was too much to be downstairs with Atlas's dried blood a too soon of a reminder he was now gone. Isabelle hit the bottle hard that night. Jessica had semi – coherent conversations with Jim but could hardly get out more than a few sentences from Isabelle without her necking back more whiskey. After a while Isabelle stood up and broke her almost silence aura and spoke with aggressively slurred words.

"What the fuck happened to my parents' grandad."

"Isabelle, don't speak to big Jim like that, I know you are hurting, we all ar—"

"Jessica, shut your fucking mouth. This is between me and him. Grandad. What the fuck happened to them? Did you know?"

"I'm sorry young lady I don't like your language and I don't know who your parents are, but I'm sure they wouldn't like their daughter swearing at an old man like that."

"Fucking stop. Just fucking stop. I'm your fucking granddaughter. I'm Isabelle, and tonight we just buried my brother, your grandson, Atlas. So, pull yourself together and tell me what the FUCK happened to my fucking parents. YOUR son Jim and his wife, my mother. Mary."

"Isabelle. Stop."


"Young lady! That's no way to talk, this woman has lost her boyfriend tonight and I have lost my grandson! Please leave us alone!"

"It's me. I am Isabelle, I'm the one who wipes your arse for you. I'm the one who feeds and dresses you. I look after you and you don't even remember my name."

"Isabelle..." Jessica said with desperation in her voice.

"He doesn't even remember my fucking name Jess. And Atlas has gone and –" Isabelles voice had changed from anger and erupted into a depression with her crying cutting herself off from speaking. She fell onto the floor and collapsed her head into her hands and wept. Before Jessica moved to comfort her, she spoke to Jim.

"Hey. Big Jim."

"Yes, my Jessy?"

"You see that girl on the floor crying? That is Isabelle your granddaughter."

"No, No. She isn't that old, that can't be her."

Jessica thought for a moment before speaking again:

"Big Jim. See that girl crying. She knew Atlas as well. They were really close friends, and she is also very upset that he has now gone."

"She knew the boy?"

"Yes, Big Jim and she is very sad. I think she needs a hug."

Jim slightly nodded his head and with Jessicas help stood up and walked over towards Isabelle before struggling to sit down next to her on the floor and placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her head into to his chest.

"It's okay girl. It's okay. I knew him as well, he was my grandson. His sister doesn't know yet and I'm not sure how I am going to tell her."

Isabelle wrapped her arms around Jim and squoze.

"I love you grandad."

Jessica decided that the three should stay in the same room tonight so Jessica helped Jim into bed and helped Isabelles drunk body lay next to him and tucked them both into the sheets, and as Isabelle's alcohol infused breath exhaled in her grandad's direction he spoke:

"Oh Isabelle, have you and Glenda been to bingo again?"

Isabelle's face ignited in a drunken happiness.

"I love you grandad."

"I love you too."

And the two peacefully fell asleep as Jessica sat in a chair by the side of the bed. Alone thinking about Atlas as she picked up the bottle that Isabelle had been drinking from and took an unhealthy long swig.

Singing of the dead (Novel one)Where stories live. Discover now