Chapter 17- Average Everything

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"You know, considering how upset Becca was about the breakup, you'd think she would've tried to make your life more of a living hell." Evan said

"Well she did tell everyone that Finnly stole Colton away from her and everyone thought she was a slut" Anna said, shrugging.

I took the rest of my books out of my locker, "But Colton cleared that up" I said.

Evan laughed, "Yeah, I guess he did" he said.

The picture of Colton getting up in the front of the lunch room to tell everyone the breakup wasn't my fault crossed my mind.

It had been really sweet of him to do that but at the same time, I had felt even more violated- with every eye in the cafeteria on me.

"Yeah, that was cute. Let me say, a major turning point in Operation Folton" Anna pointed out, slamming my locker shut for me.

I rolled my eyes, "We're still going with that, are we?"

"Of course" Anna said

"I really thought you'd be more focused on Evan than my 'relationship' with Colton" I said, nudging her.

Evan's attention snapped toward us, "What do you mean?" he asked confused.

I realized my mistake and mentally cursed. I had been doing such a good idea the past couple weeks of not even mentioning Anna's feelings for him, but here I was letting myself word vomit.

"Oh- right, thanks for reminding me Finn!" Anna said, "I'm going to set you up with someone, Evan! It's about time you get back out there ya know?"

I blinked twice. Did she really save herself from that? More importantly- did she really just tell Evan that she was going to set him up?

Evan shrugged, "Thanks but I like someone right now" he said.

"Who?!"I asked, excitedly

Evan gave me a half smirk, "You'll know sooner or later" he said, "I'll see you guys after break! Have a good Thanksgiving" Evan said, before heading outside.

Once he was out of earshot, I turned to Anna, "You're going to set him up with someone? Really?" I said.

"Hey, it was the only thing I could think of! I wouldn't have had to say that if you hadn't blown my secret!" she said defensively.

I gave her an apologetic smile, "yeah...I'm sorry about that" I said.

Anna just rolled her eyes, "But hey, he said he likes someone! Maybe it's me" she said.

I nodded enthusiastically, "If you actually think about it, he doesn't talk to really anyone besides us, so the odds of him liking you are near 100%" I said, shrugging lightly.

We followed in Evan's footsteps and now exited the school- which has turned into a ghost town in a matter a minutes.

It was time for our fall break...which meant it was also time for the Thanksgiving trip. For the past few weeks, all I had heard from Kim and my Dad were things to remember to do before we left. Other than the wedding toward the end of May, and my graduation, this was the big thing that was happening this I guess it was a big deal.

"Or he could like you" Anna said, "So I'd say it's more around 50%"

I laughed, "Anna, he's like a brother to me and he's been helping me with this Colton crap for the past month" I said, "There is absolutely no way he would like me"

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