Past trauma | 10

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It has been a week since Tom Riddle last sat in the Room of Requirement with Nyx. The weather was getting wetter every day and the students tended to stay indoors which meant it was harder for him to go around the school without getting caught doing something suspicious. He had recently just discovered the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets ever since he learned of his descendants. He was going to complete the job Salazar left him to do.

Getting rid of every single one of the mudbloods.

It was dinner when he slipped out of the Great Hall to go up to the second floor where the girls' bathroom was. Fortunately for him, he ran into no one and he finally reached the dim but large bathroom. He then turned his gaze to a tap with a tiny snake engraved on it. You would have to look closely at it to be able to see the serpent. He hissed out something in parseltongue and suddenly, a large gaping hole opened from the sinks leading to the Chamber of Secrets.


She tried to deny it, she did, but she had to accept defeat.

She had a soft spot for the one and only, Hunter Grooves.

It wasn't a bad thing, really. She just preferred to have a cold heart to that. It was no secret that in her not-so-large heart, she had a special place for Caelum, but making room for another was odd to her.

It has been a week since she was in the Room of Requirement with Riddle. Nothing unusual has happened, yet. The absence of mischief made her uneasy.

Could he be plotting a murder right now? And maybe thinking of a perfect way to cover it up?

She was sleeping in her dorm peacefully and once again, a loud screaming next to her was as audible as a person shrieking into her ear. She got up from her bed and looked over to her other roommate's empty bed. How convenient. The girl who usually calmed her friend down during these times was gone. Perhaps she spent her night in her new boyfriend's bed.

She reluctantly got out of bed and walked towards the sobbing girl whose face was covered with tears and wet hair, sticking onto her face. Nyx hesitated on what to do next. She remembered Caelum hugging her during their second year when she received her first detention and thought maybe she should do that to comfort her roommate. After all, she did notice her other roommate do the same. She wrapped her arms around the other awkwardly and somehow, the sobbing ceased. The girl who was now sniffling held onto her like life depended on it. They stayed like that for a long moment until the sobbing and sniffling ended. The girl wiped her tears and nose for the last time and let go of her. "Thanks," she mumbled to Nyx. She only gave a nod in return. They sat on the bed in silence for a little bit longer.

The silence was starting to become too much for her so she broke it. "You're not alone." It was the same sentence she used on Hunter and it helped ease him up a bit. She had hoped it would help her too. Well, you could say she was starting to become a professional at this because that really did help her ease up like Hunter. She gave her a small smile and hugged her once again. She was taken aback by the sudden affection but she nevertheless, returned it rather hesitantly. "I was only seven," she started, "he broke into my home and threatened my father. He demanded something from my father but I never found out what it was. I was watching the scene unfold upstairs and then, there came a flash of red light. Next thing I knew, I heard the cries and screams of my father in pain," a few tears rolled down her face, "I wanted to run towards him and hug him tight but I was frozen in place. But then, the screaming stopped. Only a few sobs were heard. A few words were exchanged below but then the worst spell was cast upon my father." She was crying harder, "The Killing Curse." She rubbed her back in an attempt to calm her, "I was only seven when they took my father away. I've had nightmares ever since but they've never been this worse. I sometimes wake up to myself panting in the dark, regretting ever not going to my father's aid."

"You couldn't have done anything. You would've died too." Nyx said, trying to reassure her roommate.

Abigail only shook her head and sighed.

"May I ask who he was? The one that killed- the one that intruded your house?"



A lot of questions ran through her mind but the one that came out was,


She nodded her head and they both changed into their uniforms and headed down to the Great Hall.

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