Watched by Death | 1

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A loud sound could be overheard from downstairs. Someone was knocking on the window below or was it pecking?

Nyx groaned and got up from her warm and comfortable bed after a minute of suffering from the loud noise to investigate what the cause was.

She got up and glanced towards an alarm clock placed on her bedside table.

4:02 am.
It had better be worth it

Quickly stumbling down the steps to the first floor, she first spotted her foster mother snoozing in her chair who seemed completely oblivious to the loud noise or she was either just unbothered. Nyx's head then snapped towards the window above the stove.
A raven was pecking on the window non-stop that Nyx was afraid it might shatter the thin glass.

She quickly walked over to the stove and leaned in to open the window letting in the cold fresh air from outside and her annoying, (at this moment) pet bird. She lifted the bird and carried it upstairs into her bedroom, trying her best not to wake up her foster mother.

Once they were inside her room, she shut the door and glared at the raven. The bird only gave her a side-eyed look and hopped onto her desk in the far corner of her room and started to eat the leftover bread she had left on the table without a care in the world.

Nyx sighed then plopped down onto her bed to try and sleep.

Fortunately for her, she was able to continue sleeping after having been woken up by her raven.

The first thing she felt was the warm sunbeam on her face that came in through the window in her bedroom. She got out of bed and looked over at her bird perched on the windowsill looking at something. She also noticed that the bread was now gone and only bread crumbs were left.

Nyx walked over to the raven and stroked its head. At first, she saw a black silhouette of something underneath her foster mother's sycamore tree. After squinting her eyes a bit she realized it was just a black cat that tends to follow her.

It was a sign that Death was following her.

She smiled at the thought and turned her heels to go downstairs and have breakfast but not before the raven jumped onto her shoulder.

She was greeted by the smell of bacon and eggs but mostly bacon when she entered the kitchen. Her foster mother was already sitting at the table waiting for her. "Morning Mum," she said in a bored tone. Her foster mother did not return the greeting but instead, she started to complain.
"When will you get rid of the bird?" she asked whilst glaring at the Raven on Nyx's shoulder who was giving her a side-eye.

"I'm not getting rid of Ravenous," she said firmly.

"It's annoying! Every time you let it out it comes back at the most unusual times and I always have to be the one to let it back in."

"Maybe, if you'd let me open my bedroom window during the night it wouldn't bother you."

"I thought I told you that that's dangerous! You wouldn't want a burglar or anyone to climb in would you?"

"Now who would want to climb in-"

Before Nyx could finish her sentence there was a loud thud sounded. The two of them turned to look at the window Ravenous had been pecking at earlier to see a huge barn owl flat against it. Ravenous jumped off of Nyx's shoulder then, Nyx rushed over to open the now almost broken window and let the poor owl in while her foster mother mumbled something like "birds."

After helping the barn owl to the table, it stuck its leg out for Nyx to take the letter attached to its leg that she had just noticed. After she carefully unattached the letter with care, the owl flew off out of the window and probably back to where it came from. The Hogwarts symbol was on the letter so she immediately knew it was the usual list of books to buy and other stuff. Her eyes quickly scanned over the books she had to get and looked over to her foster mother who was eating her breakfast now.

"Can you drop me off at Diagon Alley?" she asked.

Of course, her Muggle foster mother looked confused the first time she said this to her but six years later, she was still confused at first.

"Alley what?" said a confused mother.

"The place where I shop for my school books, mum," Nyx said and dramatically did a facepalm.

"Of course, that was exactly my second guess."

Her foster mother smiled and their earlier argument was long forgotten.

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