The Knights of Walpurgis | 7

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The castle halls were quiet just like every night he patrolled. Not even his footsteps could be heard in the silence, it was as if he had mastered the ability of being able to hide the sound of his steps like a snake quietly slithering on the floor.

It was when he turned a corner on the seventh floor that he heard loud moaning and whimpering in a broom closet nearby. He sighed, already having enough of the usual couples making out in such odd places. He got himself ready for the scene he was about to witness and opened the closet's doors.

A boy with messy blonde hair, (normally has neat blonde hair,) and half undressed tumbled out of the closet whilst a fully dressed, (thankfully,) dark-haired girl was still sitting in the closet with a stupid smile on her face but when she turned her head to meet his eyes, her smile immediately faltered after seeing his face.

"Tom! I didn't know you had prefect rounds this night..." She blushed and got up from the closet's floor and stepped out to stand directly in front of him. Also ignoring Mulciber's outstretched hand that was clearly a sign for her to pull him up from the cold floor. Tom Riddle did not respond but turned his head to the blonde boy who was on his two feet now and gave him a stern look and spoke, "I expected better from you Mulciber." Then, he looked between the two and said, "Ten points from Slytherin." The blonde boy only grumbled in response but the dark-haired girl didn't seem to care. "Tom, it's late and I'm uncomfortable with going down to the dungeons alone in the dark. Could you walk me there?" Tom turned around to face her completely and said in a bored tone, "If you hadn't been making out in a broom closet late at night, maybe, you wouldn't have to ask me."

"I won't be doing that again but please, walk me back." She gave him puppy eyes he so much disliked but he still wasn't going to walk her back.

"I have to continue my rounds. I'm sure you'll do well on your own." He gave her a charming smile that seemed to have convinced her to go back to the common room alone.

She turned around and walked away while Tom Riddle walked on forward and Donovan Mulciber followed his figure. "Making out with another girl again?" He asked the blonde boy without even turning to him. "You should be impressed I was able to pull her off. Rosaline Black is one of the prettiest girls in the school and one of the most popular! Every boy wants to claim her-" he paused to think whether he should continue or not but decided to continue in the end. "Every boy wants to claim her as their own but she has eyes only for you!"

Tom Riddle's figure stiffened a bit but relaxed his composure almost instantly. It was obvious to the boy that Rosaline Black fancied him for who knows how long but he never returned the affection. He kept her tailing after him like a lost puppy. Even though he was irritated, he knew he had to let her stay around him just in case he needed something from her. The Black's had a high status in the Ministry of Magic so he might be able to weasel out a few secrets out of the Black's heiress.

The two boys turned another corner to face a blank wall. There, he walked in circles in front of the wall and repeated the same sentence in his head three times.

The blank wall was no longer blank but instead, a dark wooden door appeared in front of the two Slytherin boys. He walked forward and opened the door to reveal a room that resembled the Slytherin common room. There was a fireplace crackling loudly, black couches and armchairs facing the warm fire, a large bookcase filled with books consisting of every spell there was in the entire world but mostly dark magic, and lastly, a space large enough for four pairs of people to practice dueling.

Tom Riddle walked into the room and Mulciber followed quietly. Once they both had entered the room, two silhouette heads could be seen on the couch. Tom Riddle, however, did not approach the two boys but walked over to three boys lying down in the clearing for practice dueling. The three boys seemed to be asleep but not for long. "Get up!" The three boys on the floor flinched at the sudden sound of their Lord, even the two boys reading on the couch by the fire flinched and turned to look. The three boys now identified as Abraxas Malfoy, Edward Avery, and Corvus Lestrange were quickly back on their feet.

"I told you to do something productive while waiting for me. Sleeping isn't something productive." His voice was venom and the three boys flinched again. Only Abraxas Malfoy dared to look him in the eye and apologize for disobeying his orders.

He turned back to sit at an armchair closest to the fire whilst Malfoy, Lestrange, Avery, and Mulciber scurried behind him to take a seat on one of the couches or an armchair close to him but far enough to keep a safe distance away from him.

He enjoyed the feeling of being feared. It was a step closer to being one of the most feared wizards in history. He had imagined a future of himself ruling the Wizarding World, becoming immortal, and becoming master of Death. He had already achieved so much that he knew for sure nothing was going to stop him.

The room was silent for a moment until Tom Riddle opened his mouth to speak. "Rosier, have you been able to recruit Black yet?" He asked. "No, my lord. He has been hanging around with other people all the time. I can't get him alone to talk about the matter." Replied Aiden Rosier. "Then find a way soon. The Black's are going to be a valuable connection in the future." He then turned his head towards Nott.

"Have you been researching the given topic I asked you to?"

"Yes, my lord but the Deathly Hallows is only a myth-"

"No need anymore. I have Rivers."

The room went silent again and everyone looked at Tom Riddle confused.

"Rivers? Nyx Rivers?" Asked the platinum-haired boy, Malfoy.

He nodded his head and the room was even more confused.

"Nyx Rivers isn't who she claims she is is what I figured during the summer break. She's connected to the Deathly Hallows and I have her wrapped around my finger. She'll tell me everything I need to know." The room seemed even more quiet if that was possible. Everyone knew Rivers to be seen as someone unapproachable. The boys wondered how Riddle got her to open up to him. They thought perhaps she had a soft spot for him, just like the other girls.

"She's said that the Elder Wand is the possession of Grindelwald now, the resurrection stone has been lost through centuries and the invisibility cloak was passed down through Ignotus's family." He explained to the quiet room. "I don't need the resurrection stone because I don't have anyone dead I want to see nor do I need the invisibility cloak to hide me. I know how to cast the Disillusionment charm, it's not necessary." He continued, "But the Elder Wand, that's what I need to be unstoppable." There was a long silence but later broken by the boldest in the group, Malfoy.

"And how would you get your hands on the Elder Wand, my lord?"

Tom Riddle smirked.

"That's where Nyx Reaper comes in."

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