He What?!

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Atsushi POV:

After I called Chuuya, i try to walk and fall to the ground in pain. "Damnit I look pathetic right now."

Kyoka hears me fall and comes running over to me. "Hey are you okay, why did you fall....is there something you're not telling me."

I feel overwhelmed and I start breathing a little hard. She tried to comfort me but it wasn't helping at all. We heard a knock on the door. She gets up to answer it, while I'm still on the ground panicking.

Kyoka POV:

I open the door to see Chuuya and i smiled, i realized someone was behind him....it was Akutagawa! "Uhh Chuuya why is he here?"

Chuuya ignored my question and noticed Atsushi. He ran passed me in a hurry. I turned back and glared at Akutagawa. He glared back at me. "Why are you here?!"

He sighed. "Chuuya asked me to help so I'm here to help."

"You better not hurt him, he is already injured, so I don't need any fights...you got that."

Akutagawa just glared at me. "Chuuya told me not to, so don't worry....im not even planning on it or ever because he's gonna be on are side."

Atsushi POV:

I keep freaking out....but then I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Hey Atsus-....what is that mark on your neck."

I turn pale. 'Did dazai leave a mark without me realizing.'


Chuuya sighed. He hugs me and I feel a sharp pain throughout my body. "F-fuck."

He let go of me. "Atsushi be honest with me. What happened? I can help you."

I looked at him feeling a little guilty. "D-dazai.....raped me."

Chuuya lowered his head. I could feel the blood lust...it started to make me scared. "Where is he."

I jumped a little. "W-what?"

Chuuya looks at me with his body glowing red. "Where is DAZAI!!!!!"

"I-in his apartm-."

I didn't even finish my sentence. Chuuya was already out the door. Kyoka and Akutagawa looked at me confused and Akutagawa spoke up. "Uhhh whats wrong with him."

I lowered my head being ashamed. "Dazai raped me and i think Chuuya is about to kill him."

They both looked at me in shock. Kyoka ran to my side. "Is that why you're in so much pain."

She started to examine my lips. "He busted your lip?! Did he hit you?!!!"

"No he just bit me, because I wouldn't let him kiss me."

I feel her anger start to form.

Chuuya POV:

I stormed out of Atsushi's Apartment and went to dazai. When I get to his door I kicked it down. Dazai jumped seeing me. "The hell you doing here chibi?!"

I used my ability and through the broken door at him. I missed and it stab into the wall. "The hell was that for!!!!"

Dazai screamed at me. I walked up to him and grabbed Dazai by the collar. "I gonna fucking kill you bastard!!! You touch my kitty and now you're gonna pay the price...with your worthless life."

I throw dazai on the ground towering over him. But out of nowhere dazai starts to laugh. He had the same evil face after he killed somebody. "Chuuya~, he is mine not yours...so stop wasting your precious time on something you can't get."

I kicked him in the face. "Well I don't care if he wants a relationship with me. It's his choice to make, I'm only here to make sure you don't hurt him....but you hurting him like that. He's never gonna trust you again....he hates you, you ruined whatever you had!!!!"

Dazai stands up wiping the blood off his lips, still smirking. I get even more mad. I go to hit him and he catches it. Dazai punches me in the stomach.

I throw up blood. I looked up and glared. "See you haven't changed one bit, you're just like mori....you take what you want and throw away things or people you don't want anymore. I bet you would do that to Atsushi too."

I started to giggle. "And you know that's fucking true. You're just a worthless human...if I could even call yo-."

Dazai punches the shit out of me and I stumbled back a little. I looked up....I started to see he was at his breaking point and I smirked. "Chuuya I'm more human than you...because at least I'm not a clone that can't remember his past."

I looked down. My anger started to form and everything turns black.

Akutagawa POV:

I just stand at the doorway in shock. 'Dazai raped Jinko....he hasn't change, he still cruel as ever.'

I hear an explosion. I jumped and so does kyoka and Atsushi. I looked at the direction of the explosion just to see Dazai's apartment completely destroyed. 'Chuuya lost it...don't tell me?!!!'

"Hey I'm gonna check out the explosion I will be back."

I get worried a little bit. I walked over to dazai apartment. When I make it to the doorway....i see Chuuya standing over an unconscious dazai. "C-chuuya?!"

Chuuya looked at me and I didn't even recognize him at all. I stepped back a little. I'm usually not afraid of anyone but this time....i felt that I was gonna die.

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