New Ally

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Atsushi POV:

I put the choker in my pocket. "I will fix this when I get out of here."

I walked up to the door and turned my arms into the tiger claws. I punch through the door, making a hole so I could unlock it. I unlocked it "That was easier then I thought it would be."

I open the door and start walking around. 'Hmm....thats weird, I don't hear anyone, thats good and bad.'

I keep walking and I ran into someone. I looked up to see the purple and white hair dude from earlier. I put my guard up and stood up. He pulls me into the room. "Shh...I don't want them to know your out."

He shuts the door. "Okay...I need you to help me Atsushi."

I looked at him weirdly. "Help with what? Aren't you with the enemy?"

He puts his hand on my shoulder. " name is sigma and I was made by the book, I'm scared and I don't want to be please, escape with me."

I smiled at sigma. "Okay, but how are we supposed to leave without getting caught."

Sigma thinks for a moment. "Hmmm...we have to some how sneak out without being spotted, I can walk around freely. But you can't. So I will show you the way out....hiding you in the process."

I put my hand in my pocket, I grab onto the choker. "Let me asked someone if we should wait or go."

Sigma looked at me weirdly. "Ask? What do you mean."

I pull out the choker. "Well someone gave this to me and I can talk to them."

He looked at it closely. "Okay ask them."

I hold onto the button. "Hey are you there."

"Kitty I am, is something wrong?"

I smiled when I heard his voice. "Well the thing is, do you want me to try and escape...someone's here to help."


I flinched at him screaming. "Its sigma, sigma say hi."

Sigma walks closer to me to speak. "H-hi."

"You better not hurt Atsushi!!"

Sigma turns pale. "Don't worry I won't I want to leave as much as he does so should we wait for you or try and leave?"

It was quiet for a moment, and then chuuya begins to speak. "Just stay where you are...I don't want Atsushi to get hurt."

I heard it disconnect. "Welp I guess we are staying in your room."

Sigma giggles. "I guess so."

We both hear the alarms go off. I start to panic a little and so does sigma. "Shit!!! Wear do I go I don't want to see that damn clown."

"Just hide under my bed...I gonna go check to see what's up, don't worry they won't check in here."

I get under sigma's bed and hide. He leaves and I'm left here alone.

Sigma POV:

I walked out of the room and run to the meeting point. "Uhh what's up guys?"

"The damn tiger escaped or something."

"Wait what... Nikolai I thought you locked the door."

Nikolai glared at me. "He broke it..I knew I should've used the needle so he couldn't use his ability. I'm sorry fyodor."

Fyodor just rolled his eyes. "Let's just look around..he might still be here, I can tell."

I feel myself get anxious. "What do you mean you feel?"

Fyodor looked at me like I knew something. "I just do...I am a genius, you know so most people can't hide shit from me, so have any idea where he's at?"

I keep my composure and don't change my facial expression. "I actually don't know, if I'm being honest with you, I didn't even know he broke the door until you guys told me."

Nikolai just giggled. "Hey we should play a game. Whoever finds Atsushi first wins...and gets to decide if he stays or goes, like if we turn him in or not."

I turn pale. "Hey I have a question?"

Nikolai looks at me. "That is?"

"Well if I win can I let him free?"

Nikolai looks at me dead serious. "Only if you wi-."

Fyodor interrupts him. "No...if you find him, he either gets just stay here or we collect the bounty. That's the choices.."

I get annoyed. "But it's Nikolai's game, not yours."

Fyodor looked at Nikolai. "Okay fine what do you think then?"

Nikolai thinks for a moment. "Like I was about to say, yes, you're allowed to set him free, but doesn't mean I won't kidnap him again."

I glared at him. "If I win I will set him free and you can't go after him. How about that?!"

Nikolai puts his hands up, smiling. "Okay fine, party pooper."

Just a Favor AtsushiWhere stories live. Discover now