Vol. 3, Chapter 13- USJ (Part 2)

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Izuku descended through the ominous black mist, his senses heightened as he braced for impact. The air rushed past him, and with calculated precision, he maneuvered his body to land gracefully amidst the rugged terrain of the Mountain Zone.

His boots made a muted thud on the rocky ground, and for a moment, the mist clung to his figure like a spectral cloak before dissipating into the ether.

Surveying his surroundings, Izuku's sharp eyes took in the landscape of the Mountain Zone. His mind raced, thoughts weaving through the mysterious circumstances that led him here. The enigmatic mist villain lingered in his thoughts, and a sense of urgency compelled him to understand their motives.

"What are their goals?" he pondered, searching for clues in the desolate surroundings. Memories flashed before him, and he recalled the unsettling encounter between the villain girl and Decaymaster. A revelation struck him – the girl had referred to Decaymaster as "Tenko."

"Tenko?" Izuku murmured to himself, his mind working overtime. The connection between Decaymaster and the mysterious girl sparked curiosity. Was there a deeper bond between them, a shared history that unfolded in the shadows?

"Oh my, what do we have here?" a mature feminine voice rang out, jolting Izuku from his contemplation.

His gaze darted around as he identified the source, only to find a menacing assembly of villains, each armed with a variety of quirks and weapons, gradually closing in on him, forming an ominous circle.

Maintaining a vigilant stance, Izuku assessed the threatening scene unfolding around him.

"It seems we have a lone prey here," the same woman remarked, her voice dripping with predatory satisfaction, a sinister smirk playing on her lips.


The sharp sound of her hands meeting echoed through the air, signaling a malevolent directive. "Get him!" she commanded.

Without hesitation, the motley crew of villains surged forward, converging on Izuku with malevolent intent.

"Haa!" Izuku exhaled sharply, his instincts kicking in as the first villain lunged forward with a sword. With a swift sidestep, Izuku narrowly avoided the deadly arc of the blade, his movements calculated and precise.

In the blink of an eye, another adversary seized the opportunity, slashing towards Izuku's exposed back. With a dancer's grace, Izuku elegantly ducked beneath the attack, his body fluidly avoiding the danger that sought him.

As the skirmish intensified, villains armed with long-range quirks unleashed a barrage of projectiles toward Izuku. Reacting with remarkable agility, he weaved through the air, evading each projectile effortlessly.

A sudden impact resonated through the air as one of the villains, caught off guard, fell to the ground, subdued by the very attack intended for Izuku.

The woman orchestrating the assault couldn't hide her frustration as she observed the incompetence of her underlings. Her eyes twitched with irritation. "That boy is not even using his quirk!" she seethed inwardly, her expectations clearly unmet.

To her disbelief, the tide of the skirmish began to turn against her crew. Incompetent villains found themselves outmaneuvered as Izuku adeptly utilized their own attacks against them. The woman's initial confidence wavered, replaced by a growing realization of the formidable adversary she faced.

"Haa!" Izuku's triumphant exclamation rang through the air as he stretched his arms upward.

Turning his head to face the woman, a confident smirk played on his lips. "Was that all?" he taunted, his words laced with a mixture of bravado and a challenge.

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