Vol.1, Chapter 8- Discharged and Dinner

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3rd POV

"Mr. Raiden, please fill out the necessary information here," the nurse politely requested, handing Raiden a paper form.

"Okay," Raiden responded with a nod as he took the paper from the nurse's hands.

Raiden proceeded to the hospital lobby where he engaged in a conversation with the front desk nurses, discussing Tenko's discharge process. Meanwhile, Denki and Tenko sat side by side in silence, patiently waiting for Raiden to join them.

Observing Tenko's relaxed and joyful demeanor, Denki couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. What puzzled him even more was Tenko's smile, which seemed out of place given their circumstances.

'What's with that strange smile? Is he planning something sinister, like torturing us before he kills us?!' Denki's mind raced with suspicious thoughts, unaware of Tenko's genuine intentions.

Contrary to Denki's assumptions, Tenko's mind was filled with positive thoughts. 'I'm looking forward to meeting the rest of the family. I hope my adoptive mom is as kind as mine,' Tenko thought, his smile reflecting his genuine excitement about being embraced by the Kaminari family.

After Raiden finished completing the necessary information on the paper form, he was instructed to wait for Dr. Dokuta. He acknowledged the instruction with a nod and made his way back to Denki and Tenko's side.

Denki and Tenko noticed Raiden approaching them, their curiosity piqued as they awaited the next course of action.

"Dad, what's going to happen next?" Denki inquired, seeking clarification.

Raiden settled beside Denki, responding, "The nurse mentioned that we should wait for Dr. Dokuta." He shrugged slightly, unsure of the exact details.

Tenko's eyes sparkled with anticipation while Denki raised an eyebrow, seeking further explanation. "But why, though?" Denki probed.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. My guess is that she will give us instructions regarding Tenko's medication," Raiden speculated, his tone tinged with uncertainty.

"I see," Denki acknowledged, turning his gaze toward Tenko, whose eyes gleamed with excitement at the prospect of meeting the doctor again.

Before long, the trio spotted Dr. Dokuta approaching them. Denki, Raiden, and Tenko stood up, Tenko holding Raiden's right hand with both of his own hands, and warmly greeted the doctor.

"Hello, the three of you! I hope you didn't have to wait too long," Dr. Dokuta addressed them, scratching the back of her head in mild embarrassment.

"No, not at all," Raiden reassured her with a shake of his head.

"Ah, that's good to hear, hehe," Dokuta responded, visibly relieved. She couldn't help but notice the heartwarming sight of Tenko holding Raiden's hand, finding it incredibly endearing.

Dokuta approached Tenko, kneeling down to his eye level. "Hello there, Tenko-kun, how are you feeling?" she asked, genuinely curious. She couldn't resist asking since their previous encounter involved Tenko's anger toward Detective Tsukauchi and the subsequent use of her quirk to put him to sleep.

"U-uhm, I'm doing fine, doctor," Tenko replied, his voice a little timid. "Thank you for asking," he added softly.

Dokuta caught his mumble and chuckled warmly. "Of course! It's my job to help people, after all," she reassured him, patting his hair affectionately.

Standing up, Dokuta turned her attention to Raiden. "Anyway, I have something for you," she announced, reaching into her coat and producing two small boxes, causing the trio to exchange curious glances.

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