Vol.1, Chapter 02- Lost And Found

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We found ourselves staying in the Todoroki household, surrounded by an atmosphere of warmth and kindness. Rei, Shoto's mother, was preparing a delicious dinner for us in the kitchen while my parents enjoyed a meal with hers in the dining room. Meanwhile, Shoto and I were spending time together in his room, where an assortment of toy figurines adorned the floor.

The figures of renowned heroes like All Might, Endeavor, Kamui Woods, and many others were scattered haphazardly amidst the toys. It was intriguing to see that Shoto possessed an Endeavor figurine, despite his evident dislike for the character.

'Why would he have an Endeavor figurine when he hates him?' I wondered silently.

As Shoto played with the All Might figure, he joyfully smashed it onto one of the villain figurines, his expression transformed into one of contentment. It was amusing to witness his innocent delight.

What about me you ask?

Well, I am adjusting two toy figurines in a s#x position.

Who are these figurines you ask? They're none other than All Might and All for One.

My mischievous intent was to observe Shoto's reaction, storing this memory to potentially tease him about it in the future. Imagining his embarrassed response brought a mischievous grin to my face. Oh, the laughter I would have when that time came!

Suddenly, Shoto took notice of my actions and inquired innocently, "Kaminari-san, what are you doing to them?"

With a smirk, I responded cheekily, "Oh, I'm just recreating All Might's ultimate move during a fight!"

Curiosity piqued, Shoto stooped closer and asked, "What ultimate move is that?"

Maintaining my smirk, I replied, "Well, it's called the 'Stick Poke'! All Might uses a stick and pokes it into someone's bu- back!"

Shoto's eyes widened in surprise, exclaiming, "I want to do that when I grow up!"

His innocence and enthusiasm couldn't help but make me chuckle. Oh, Shoto, someday you'll understand.

"I'm sure you will, hehehehe."

We continued our playful interactions with the toy figurines. Shoto delighted in smashing the villainous ones, while I carried on with my mischievous adjustments. Rest assured; I would return them to their original positions before we left.

"Kaminari-san, who is your favorite hero?" Shoto suddenly asked, breaking the playful silence.

I pondered for a moment, searching for an answer. "I don't pay much attention to heroes, but I suppose... I'll go with All Might because he seems to embody honesty in his role."

"I like All Might too!" Shoto exclaimed. "He's so cool, and he always has a smile on his face!"

It was the typical response one would expect from a child when asked about All Might. "He's cool!" "He's strong!" "He's awesome!" But seeing Shoto's genuine admiration for the symbol of peace warmed my heart.

"Yeah... he truly is cool. By the way, just call me Denki to avoid any confusion," I suggested.


A sudden idea sparked within me. I wanted to gauge Shoto's opinion on Endeavor. I was curious to see what kind of response he would provide.

"What do you think about Endeavor, Shoto-san?" I asked, the room falling into a momentary hush.

Shoto's smile faded, and he froze upon hearing my question. I couldn't help but think that Enji, his father, had likely begun his intense training regimen. The thought enraged me, and I couldn't wait for the day when I could confront that abusive man, but for now, I was powerless and small.

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now