Vol. 2, Chapter 8- Level 5 Electromaster

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Time Skip

Six years later...

3rd POV

Six years had passed, and a lot has happened.

Denki worked hard to improve his quirk with Tokuta's help. But it didn't stop there. With David and Melissa's guidance, he achieved something incredible. Denki can now use his "Electrification" quirk to control technology called "Technopathy." This means he can manipulate gadgets and machines with his electrical powers.

Denki has also interned with David Shields. Denki's internship with David Shields allowed him to delve into gadgetry. Under David's guidance, he learned to create and utilize advanced technological devices, expanding his abilities.

Denki also kept talking with his family on the phone, and he learned a lot of information. Firstly, Touya and Tenko graduated from U.A. and started their agency. Secondly, he also learned that the relationship between the Todorokis and Kaminaris has strengthened.

Now, Denki found himself back in the familiar confines of the Electro Room.

At 14, Denki had grown both in height and physical stature, standing tall at 5'6" with a lean yet muscular build. This transformation resulted from his dedication to Takuto's rigorous exercise regime.

"Denki-Kun, today marks the final Quirk Level Scan. I want you to give it everything you've got!" Takuto's voice boomed through the speakers, filled with anticipation and encouragement.

Once again, Takuto and his colleagues stationed themselves in the observation room, their eyes fixed upon Denki, who stood before the voltmeter. Their purpose was to closely monitor Denki's maximum voltage output, a critical milestone in his training.

"All right," Denki responded with unwavering determination, a fire burning within him.

Denki turned to face the familiar voltmeter, knowing that this was the moment to push his limits. He summoned the immense electricity power within him and unleashed a torrent of lightning toward the device.

As Denki continued to generate electricity, his voltage output steadily increased, causing the numbers on the voltmeter to climb higher and higher. The room crackled with energy as sparks danced and crackled around Denki's electrified form.

Takuto and his colleagues watched unwaveringly, their eyes never leaving Denki's every move. They had witnessed his growth and progress over the years, and now, they were eager to see the true extent of his quirk.

Denki's control over his quirk became increasingly apparent with each passing moment. The lightning he generated was no longer erratic but precise and controlled, directed solely at the voltmeter without collateral damage. It was a testament to his mastery of his electrifying abilities.

Through the specialized glass window, Takuto and his colleagues were granted a front-row seat to the intricate details of Denki's technique. They marvelled at his progress, noting the efficiency and precision with which he manipulated the electric currents.

After what felt like an eternity, Takuto decided to bring Denki's demonstration to a close. "Denki-Kun, that's enough," he announced through the speaker, acknowledging Denki's immense effort.

Although Denki could have continued, he obediently ceased his electric outpouring, aware of Takuto's command.

Curiosity filled the room as Takuto inquired, "What's the voltage output?"

His colleagues quickly examined the monitor, their eyes widening in astonishment. "It's... it's 1 billion volts!" one of them exclaimed, unable to hide their disbelief.

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now