Vol. 2, Chapter 7- Technology Expo

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Time Skip

4 years later...

3rd POV

In the Electro Room, an 8-year-old Denki stood before a massive voltmeter, the anticipation evident in his eyes. The room was filled with excitement and curiosity, buzzing with the energy of the forthcoming Quirk Level Scan.

"All right, Denki-Kun, it's the Quirk Level Scan today. Are you ready?" Takuto's voice resonated through a speaker, his words laced with encouragement and support.

The Quirk Level Scan was a regular testing event in the I-Island Quirk Curriculum Program, designed to assess participants' power levels and capabilities.

Takuto and his colleagues, stationed in the observation room, peered through a specialized glass window. Their purpose was to closely observe Denki and determine the extent of his Quirk's abilities.

A surge of determination coursed through Denki's veins as he replied, "Yes, I am ready."

He was resolute in his desire to reach Level 4, a milestone that held a deep significance for him—his ticket to reconnecting with his family.

"Okay then, let's start with your maximum voltage output," Takuto's voice echoed through the speaker, directing Denki's attention toward the prominent voltmeter at the room's center.

Denki nodded, his focus unwavering, and began harnessing the electricity within him. Bolts of electric energy crackled around his fingertips, a testament to his developing control.

Denki channeled the gathered electricity effortlessly and directed it toward the waiting voltmeter. Power surge surged forth, dancing with vibrant intensity as it coursed through the air. Each release was a testament to Denki's growing mastery over his Quirk.

Ever since Takuto had injected the "EvoluQuirk Elixir," Denki had noticed a significant improvement in his ability to generate electricity. The elixir had unlocked hidden potential within him, allowing him to tap into his Quirk with greater efficiency and finesse.

Denki continued to release wave after wave of electricity, skillfully adjusting the voltage output as minutes turned into hours. His determination and resolve never wavered, driving him to push his limits and showcase his true potential.

After an eternity of intense focus and energy manipulation, Denki heard Takuto's voice again emanating from the speakers. "Okay, that's enough," Takuto instructed, surprising Denki.

Denki was not tired from using his quirk. Nevertheless, he respected Takuto's expertise and complied with the request, ceasing his electric onslaught.

A moment of anticipation hung before the speakers crackled to life again, delivering the eagerly awaited verdict. "Voltage Output: 700 Million Volts," the voice declared, its words reverberating with astonishment.

Denki's eyes widened in disbelief. Generating 700 million volts was an astonishing feat comparable to the immense power output of a thermal power station. The magnitude of his Quirk's potential dawned upon him, filling him with renewed pride and determination.

"Good job, Denki-Kun!" Takuto's words of praise resonated through the speaker, infusing Denki's heart with warmth and encouragement. "Come outside; next is Electromagnetism," Takuto added, his voice brimming with excitement.

With a newfound confidence and a hint of anticipation, Denki prepared himself for the next phase of the Quirk Level Scan. The path to reaching Level 4 was unfolding, and he was ready to embrace the challenges and discoveries ahead.


Denki, Takuto, and their colleagues found themselves in a junkyard filled with discarded and broken objects.

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now