Vol. 3, Chapter 01- Vs Raiden Kaminari

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I'm now outside the airport.

Tenko texted me that he was waiting outside.

I then looked around, trying to find a tall dude with light hair.

After a while, I saw someone with light hair.

It can be a stranger, but I decided to ensure before approaching him.

"Tenko-nii!" I called out.

The person turned around, and I saw a handsome face and red eyes.

Yeah, that is my adoptive older brother and the original heir of All for One.

A sense of excitement and relief washed over me as I walked towards him. It had been ten years since I had seen Tenko, and I had missed him a lot during my time away.

His lips curved into a warm smile as he saw me approaching. "Denki!" he exclaimed, his deep voice carrying a mix of amusement and affection. "You finally made it."

As I reached him, he enveloped me in a tight embrace. It felt like a long-overdue hug, and I savoured the warmth of his presence. "I've missed you, Onii-San," I admitted, my voice muffled against his shoulder.

"I've missed you too, Denki," he replied, his grip on me softening as he pulled back slightly to look at me.

He chuckled, ruffling my hair affectionately. "Well, now that you're back, we can catch up properly." His gaze turned thoughtful. "Mom and Dad are looking forward to seeing you again."

I raised my brows and asked, "Are you not going to ask about what I did in I-Island?"

It's been ten years, and he will not ask what I did in I-Island?! Preposterous!

"Denki, did you forget you kept telling me your stories via phone?" Tenko asked as he tilted his head to the side.

I grinned, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement at my forgetfulness. "Oh, right... I guess I did share quite a bit over the phone, huh?"

Tenko chuckled, his eyes gleaming with a playful glint. "You could say that. I've heard about your encounters about almost dying twice, reaching level 5, and your internship with David Shields."

I scratched the back of my head, sheepishly recalling those moments. "Yeah, those were... interesting experiences, to say the least."

"Interesting is an understatement, Denki," Tenko quipped, his laughter warm and familiar.

I sighed dramatically, feigning defeat. "Fine, you win. I might have been a bit overeager in my storytelling."

Tenko's smile softened, his affection for me evident in his expression. "Hey, it's all part of what makes you, well, you."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his response. "Thanks, Onii-San."

I then noticed that Mom and Dad didn't come with Tenko to pick me up, which was weird since they are the types to care.

"Onii-san, where's Mom and Dad?" I asked.

Tenko's playful demeanour seemed to falter for a moment, and I couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in his expression.

His eyes darted away briefly, his reaction causing a flicker of concern to bubble up within me. Something seemed off, and it was clear that he was hiding something.

"Onii-san, where's Mom and Dad?" I asked again, my curiosity growing.

He cleared his throat, seemingly regaining his composure. "Uhm... they're at the house preparing something," he replied, his tone too casual for my liking.

Charged Reincarnation/Reincarnated as Denki Kaminari Where stories live. Discover now