Chapter 3

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Sky P.O.V

It has been a week since my best friend went missing. Prapai said that he hired someone to find him but until I know he is safe, I won't be at peace. I have been drowning myself in school work because I just don't know what to do. Right now I am currently at school working on a project I was supposed to work on with Rain.

"Nong Sky... I am so disappointed in you. How could you betray Rain like this. Now he dropped out, you guys didn't deserve him." P' Som sounded mad.

"What do you mean P' ?"

"I promised him I wouldn't say anything but I can't let you guys be happy. That day at the party. Rain saw you guys there, he saw P' Phayu kissing my cousin!"

"What do you mean he was at the party?"

"I invited everyone in the group chat. I called him to see if he you and him wanted to go. He said he had nothing to do so he wanted to come. He said you couldn't because you had a date. But then we see all of you guys there. He was heart broken. He said he was a burden to you guys, that you were finally tired of him. How could you guys do this to him?"

I dropped everything I was holding and ran from the library. Rain saw them. Rain probably hated them. And now he was somewhere all alone without someone by his side. He must hate them.

I call my boyfriend to pick me up and we drive to P' Phayu's house. Luckily he was home. He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"What's wrong?" P' Phayu obviously sensed something wrong.

"Rain was the party. P' Som said that he invited him and that he saw everything!" I start sobbing," He probably hates us. He is probably all alone and hates us."

"We will find him Sky. I already have someone looking for him. Once we do, we will make sure that he never feels alone ever again," P' Prapai tries to console me.

How long will he have to wait until then though? For how long will he hate us for.

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