Chapter 3 - Lunch break

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(Jisoo POV)

Lisa had asked if I wanted to go see Jen during the lunch break, and obviously I wanted to, I wanted to be with her the whole day, just like the past two weeks. But today my mom forced me to go to school. I knew I wasn't going to be able to concentrate, but when Lisa said we could go see Jen later, I became focused. I kinda took it as a reward, if I concentrated in school, then my prize would be to see Jen.


It was now lunch break, and me and Lisa arrived at the hospital. We stepped in Jennie's room, she was lying so peacefully in the bed, still with a lot of machines attached to her, but she didn't have all the scars and bruises all over face anymore, so now it just looked like she was sleeping.

This was the first time Lisa had seen her after the accident, I could see tears building up in her eyes, but she didn't let them fall. I think she tried to be strong for me. My mom was at work, but Irene was here. Mom, Unnie and I made a deal that one of us should always be with Jennie. In case she woke up, she wouldn't only be surrounded by doctors, but also by family, and the rest of us would get notified faster.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school now?" Irene said, obviously a little annoyed because she thought we skipped school completely. "Irene unnie, we are just here for the lunch break, then we will return to the school" Lisa said. I went in front of Jen's bed, I held her hand and said, "Please, Jen wake up now". It was practically the only thing I had said to her since the accident, I also kept saying that I loved her. "Girls take a seat" Irene said, so we did. "Chichu you have to be strong, okay? We are all worried, but the doctors say that she is able to feel us, and feel our mood, so we need to try and be happy", "How can I be happy unnie? How can you be happy? Look at her, she is dead asleep!" I didn't mean to yell at unnie, but I hate this. Why can't she just wake up?. "Sorry.." I said, "It's fine, I know it's hard" Irene said and followed it with a sweet and gentle hug.

"Rosé is coming after she finishes school" Irene said. Rosé as we call her, her real name is Park Chaeyoung, she is Jennie's best friend. Her and Jennie have been best friends since they were just a few weeks old. Our and Rosé's mom are really close friends, Irene unnie is also very good friends with rosé's older sister "Alice". "It's the first time after the accident, right?" I asked, "Yup, Alice said that as much as rosé has wanted to come here, her mom didn't let her", rosé's mom didn't let her visit Jen because she thought that it would be to hard for her, to see her best friend, since forever, lying in a hospital bed unconscious. She wanted her to wait until Jennie woke up, but it has been 2 weeks now, and she still hasn't woken up yet, so now Rosé is apparently allowed to visit her.

I wanted to stay longer at the hospital with Jen, but me and Lisa made a deal. If we went and saw Jennie, we should also return to school, and finish our classes. Luckily I was going here again right after school.

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