Chapter 5 - The Ballad of Heaven

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In the chaos of the burning Oar's Rest battlefield, Rokuto stood scanning the scene. "Alright, now where did that kid go?" he muttered, scratching his head in confusion.

Then, his frustration boiled over. "Ah, you've got to be kidding me, I lost the damn kid!" Rokuto exclaimed, waving his arms in vexation. "Man, King Oroth would've loved it if I caught him. Eh But who gives a damn,"he added, laughing to himself dismissively.

In a dark room with dimly lit candles flickering in the corners, Yuvel teleported inside leaning against the wall, catching his breath. A mendacious laugh slowly escaped his lips, a devious smile etched on his face. "My mission is complete," he muttered, but suddenly a tear fell down his cheek. Wiping it away in confusion, he questioned himself, "I feel no sort of emotion. Why is there a tear falling down my damn face?!"

He noticed a drop of water on the ground, looking up, he saw the ceiling dripping water. Smiling again, he stated, "Hmph, I've cut off my ties to them entirely. Now that they're all dead, I have no past to cry about."

Suddenly, more drops of water fell onto his face. with each drop of water , Yuvel's smile faded, replaced by a hollow expression of emptiness. He felt the weight of what's just left the world settling in, a numbness that left him detached from the cruelty of the world itself.

Just then, a bandit entered the room, asking cautiously, "Is everything alright, sir?"

Yuvel quickly wiped his eyes and replied sharply, "Buzz off," before pushing past the bandit and striding into a long hall.

As Yuvel walked down the hall, a voice called out to him. "Yuvel...," the voice called, as he turned to see a woman with bright blond hair, wearing a long white coat and holding stacks of paper.

"What do you want... Joy?" Yuvel asked, annoyance in his tone.

Joy walked past him, her finger lightly caressing under his chin. "Aamon would like to speak with you," she said calmly.

Yuvel's eyes widened, a drop of sweat falling to his cheek. "Good luck, you're gonna need it," Joy added with a knowing smile before walking into a nearby door.

Yuvel stood frozen for a moment, contemplating what Aamon needed. The mention of Aamon sent a shiver down his spine, and he clenched his fists. Turning around, he proceeded down the hall.

Yuvel gulped as he walked through the double doors at the end of the hall, entering a dimly lit room. Aamon, the leader of the Nocturna, sat on a throne with a single candle barely brightening the space.

Approaching Aamon, Yuvel felt an overwhelming and menacing presence radiating from him. It was as if he stood in the presence of a malevolent presser, almost like facing the devil himself. The air grew heavy with Aamon's aura, sending a chill down Yuvel's spine.

"I sense that you've completed your duty," Aamon said, his voice low and ominous.

Yuvel forced a confident grin, though unease gnawed at him. "Well, of course. Although I had a bit of trouble at the end, one of the Sky Knights interfered, but he was an idiot, though strong."

Aamon's gaze darkened as he rose from his throne and descended, his presence intensifying. "It's disappointing that it had to come to their deaths," he remarked with a cold edge.

"They were burdens from my past, all three of them," Yuvel retorted, trying to match Aamon's gaze but looking back down to the ground instead.

"The past shapes a person, something they can never forget," Aamon replied, standing in front of Yuvel, looking down on him.

Ballad of Heaven: Clash of the CursedWhere stories live. Discover now