Chapter 2 - Shards of Courage

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Hours away from home, the night sky shimmers above Niel's head as he rummages through his bag, searching for supplies. With a sigh of disappointment, he pulls out a flask and examines it in the dim moonlight. "This is the last bit of water I have," he mutters to himself, his voice carrying a bit of regret as he continues down the grassy path, guided only by the gentle glow of the moon.

Niel's tired eyes spot movement in the distance, and he squints to get a clearer view. As he focuses, his heart leaps with excitement at the sight of a couple of people riding on horses. However, his smile falters as he notices something amiss—the figure tied up on the back of one of the horses, their mouth covered. A sense of unease creeps over Niel as he realizes the gravity of the situation.

Niel's heart races as he stands there, frozen in place, watching the group ride off into the distance. A nagging thought gnaws at him as he observes. "Are they... kidnapping someone?" he thinks to himself, his mind racing with questions.

His hand begins to tremble uncontrollably. However, Niel's resolve strengthens as he clenches his fist tightly.

("Bravery emerges not in the absence of fear but in the resilience to confront it,") Niel recalls the words of Masura echoing in his mind. As he stands there, grappling with his own fears and uncertainties, he finds solace and strength in the reminder that courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the willingness to face it head-on. 

"No," Niel declares firmly, his eyes burning with anger and determination. "I won't be a coward and run away!" he shouts as charges forward recklessly running towards them without hesitation. "Not again!!"


The horses come to a halt in a nearby uncharted town, and Niel cautiously steps onto the deserted streets. The eerie silence that envelops the town sends shivers down his spine, as if it had been forgotten by time itself, abandoned for decades.

His heart races faster as a muffled scream pierces the stillness from a nearby house. Niel moves stealthily towards the source of the sound, his senses on high alert. Approaching a window, he peers inside and his blood runs cold at the sight before him: a tall man towering over a girl, while another figure searches the room with intense focus.

"How much longer damn it." frustration evident in his voice.

The other looked back over at him "There's nothing."

Niel's heart pounded even faster, as he knew he had to act swiftly. Summoning every ounce of courage, he silently slid open the window and tiptoed into the room.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Niel keeps his short sword lowered, opting for a makeshift weapon instead. His eyes dart around the room, searching for anything to use. His gaze landed on a ceramic vase lying on the floor.

Using the opportunity, Niel lunges towards the vase, snatching it up with a determined grip. In one swift motion, he swung the vase with all his strength, aiming for the man's head. The vase shatters upon impact, sending sharp fragments flying in all directions. The man crumpled to the floor, unconscious.

The other man's eyes darted over. "Hey what the hell is going on!?" In a fit of rage, he lunged at Niel, pinning him down and holding his arms tightly. Niel kicked and thrashed, desperately trying to free himself from the man's grasp, but his efforts seemed futile.

Niel's eyes frantically search down to his waist for his short sword, but his heart sinks as he realizes it is nowhere in sight. 

"You piece of shit, you knocked out my partner!" he screams in Niel's face, his voice filled with rage and contempt as spit flys out of his mouth. His grip tightens around Niel's arms. "You're gonna die for that, you little punk!" 

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