Chapter 3 - Ashes of Nostalgia

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"Hello?" Niel questioned, standing in an expansive, pitch-black void. the same melody from began to play again, louder than before. ("There it is again,") Niel thought. "Come out!" he yelled, but the melody persisted. Suddenly, a figure materialized in the shadows—a dark silhouette with a black, glowing circular symbol on its forehead.

Niel stood in awe, his gaze fixed on the mysterious figure before him. As he stared, he felt a strange pressure against his forehead, causing him to stagger and then fall over. Abruptly, he woke up, sitting up quickly inside the carriage, breathing heavily and covered in sweat. The memory of the dark figure with the glowing symbol lingered in his mind, haunting him even when he's awake.

Niel looked up and peered out of the window, seeing that the world beyond was still shrouded in darkness. He settled back in his seat, hands clasped behind his head. ("What was that...") Niel thought, his mind lingering on the strange encounter in the void. But soon, thoughts of his grandmother and Hugo surfaced, diverting his attention.

Removing his scarf, Niel used it as a makeshift pillow and lay down on his side. ("I wonder how they're doing,") he mused quietly. His thoughts turned to Masura, and he whispered, clenching his fist, "I hope you're watching, Masura. I'll prove I can become a powerful knight."

As he closed his eyes and drifted into sleep, a lingering uncertainty crept into his mind. ("But... I wonder, is my father still... alive,") he murmured softly before succumbing to tiredness.

The sun rises and the horse and carriage abruptly stops, sending Niel tumbling off the seat and to the floor of the carriage,"What the heck was that!" he exclaimed, addressing the guard.

"This is where my duty ends," the guard explained firmly. "I am under strict orders not to cross the border between Ænon and Aladon."

Niel's face lit up. "We made it to Aladon?" he asked eagerly as he opened the door and climbed on top of the carriage. Observing the sunrise behind a distant castle, his excitement faded. "Oh," he said with a flat expression, "We're not even close to the kingdom!!" He yelled.

He walks on top of the carriage to the front and sits next to the guard. "Why can't you take me all the way huh?!"

The guard sighed. "Due to the civil war between Ænon and Aladon in the past, no one from either side is permitted to cross the border. This restriction applies to all kingdoms involved."

"Well, great," Niel muttered, sliding down the seat and crossing his arms. "Now I gotta walk all the way there."

"Worry not," the guard reassured. "I've escorted you near a town known as Oar's Rest. You may halt to rest on your way."

Niel peered into the distance and spotted the town. "Here, take this," the guard said, handing him a highly detailed map. "This will serve you far better than your old one."

Grateful, Niel stowed the map in his bag. "Alright, I'm off!" he said, heading in the direction of the town.

In a house perched on a hill in the town of Oar's Rest, a man reached for a straw hat hanging on a coat hanger. As he placed it on his head he paused, admiring the paintings adorning the walls. His eyes lingered on a painting of four men standing shoulder to shoulder, one of them being him.

("Going out again, old friends...")he thought, managing a faint smile.

"Aldalade!" he called out. Footsteps approached from across the room, and a girl peeked her head from around the corner.

Ballad of Heaven: Clash of the Cursedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن