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   As Aurora stood in front of her hotel room door, she felt a wave of uncertainty wash over her.
   With a deep breath, Aurora made up her mind. She stepped into the room and began packing her belongings into a black bag. As she folded her clothes and gathered her personal mementos.
   As Aurora walked out the door, she turned and headed to the front desk. She handed the lady the keys and walked away towards the front doors. Just as she stepped outside, a sudden clap of thunder echoed through the sky, causing her to pause in surprise.
   The dark clouds rolled in, raindrops began to fall, creating a symphony of pitter-patter on the pavement. Aurora let out a deep sigh as she heard the rumble of thunder. Determined to find shelter from the rain, she decided to make her way to the boy's cave.
   It was a bold move, considering she had only known them for a month, but she was willing to take a chance. As she walked through the downpour, the rain soaked her hair and clothes, making her shiver with every step.
After a 30-minute walk, Aurora found herself standing at the entrance of the cave. Nerves gripped her tightly as she pondered the possibility that they might not want her to stay. The thought of having nowhere to go filled her with anxiety and uncertainty.
   David woke up, his hand reaching out instinctively for Aurora, but all he felt was the coldness of an empty space beside him. A frown creased his forehead as he sat up, a sense of longing washing over him. He wished she could have stayed a little longer, cherishing the warmth of their togetherness.
   With a heavy sigh, David swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. He made his way to the main area of the house, his mind clouded with thoughts of Aurora. As he settled into the wheelchair, he reached for a pack of cigarettes, seeking solace in the familiar routine.
   Little time went by as Dwayne, Marko, and Paul woke up. They flew down the shaft, excitement buzzing in the air. As they made their way towards the main area, Dwayne remained quiet, his mind filled with thoughts.
   Meanwhile, Marko and Paul were full of energy, their laughter echoing through the corridors. They playfully nudged each other, sharing inside jokes and funny stories.
Dwayne looked around, a sense of concern evident in his voice as he asked, "Hey where's Aurora?" David shrugged and replied, "I don't know, I woke up and she was gone." Dwayne's face scrunched up in annoyance, a mix of worry and frustration filling his thoughts.
Marko and Paul noticed the change in Dwayne's expression and frowned in sympathy. However, they quickly resumed their activities, not wanting to dwell on the uncertainty. Dwayne, on the other hand, couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.
Seeking a distraction, Dwayne settled into a nearby chair, his fingers tracing the spines of the books on the shelf. He picked one up, it's pages whispering promises of solace and escape.
   As Aurora stepped into the cave, the flickering orange glow of the lit fire barrels greeting her. The boys looked up, their eyes widening in surprise as they saw her standing there, drenched and shivering. Marko, concerned for well-being, quickly got up and asked, "What happened? Are you okay?" He carefully examined her, making sure she was safe and unharmed.
   Aurora shook her head, her voice filled with a mix of relief and nervousness. She explained how she couldn't stay at the hotel anymore and asked if she could stay with them. Dwayne kindly took her wet bag, while Paul hurried to prepare a blanket by the fire and gather clothes for Aurora from the bedroom. With a warm smile, David replied, "Of course you can stay here for as long you want."
   Aurora's face lit up with a smile as she exchanged glances with David. Feeling a surge of excitement, she made her way down the hallway towards the bedroom. There, she spotted a corner of the bed adorned with a black AC/DC shirt and a pair of black befits. Eager to change into something comfortable, she quickly grabbed the clothes and ventured into the bathroom connected to the bedroom. The warm water cascading from the shower head rejuvenated her senses as she indulged in a much-needed shower.
   The boys grinned at each other as they heard the sound of the shower running, knowing that Aurora was now officially staying with them forever. They returned to their respective spots, eagerly awaiting her return. After some time, Aurora emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a cozy blanket that Paul had thorough-fully provided. Dwayne walked over to her, and they shared a smile as they settled down on the couch.
   Side by side, they delved into the book, reading it together. Meanwhile, David looked around the cave, a contented smile spreading across his face. It was a moment of true belonging, where they all felt like this was exactly where they were meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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