Chapter 19

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Dani's POV

Life with Rúben is clearly divided into two different experiences. When I'm with him, everything is perfect. He treats me better than anyone ever has. He's even forgiven Libby, which I'm not sure I have fully done. But Rúben is trying so hard to make me happy. To make me feel loved. And he's achieving it. But then there's everyone else.

After the paparazzi photos, there's been more attention directed towards Rúben and his personal life. People trying to find him and Libby, or someone else, together again. So when they found us, it didn't take long for everyone to know who I was. And for the abuse to start.

"Hello Danielle, where's your boyfriend? Or is it your sister's turn today?"

"Ignore it", says Sam, grabbing my arm and making me walk faster.

"Does she test them first and then you get the sloppy seconds?"

"Well, not bad sloppy seconds. That guy is rich. Maybe he could buy you a new backpack, Dani. That one you have has holes in it. Looking poor next to him won't be a good look for a footballer".

I put my head down, pretending I'm not hearing any of it. But I do hear it. Of course I do. And it fucking hurts.

"Dani Dani Dani...", James' voice makes me sigh. We're alone, again. Great. "So that's why you didn't want anything with me. Not rich and famous enough for you?"

"Yes, James. That was why", I say, rolling my eyes. "You being a dick didn't play a part in my decision at all".

"He'll get tired of you and your slutty sister too, you know?"

"Ok", I tell him, trying to leave but he puts his arm in front of me. "You know? I'm really in the mood to punch someone right now. Better if you move away from me".

"You wouldn't dare".

"Wanna find out?"

He doesn't, so he lets me go. And during the last two classes of the day, I just want to cry. But I can't. Not in front of these people.

When I get out, I see Rúben's car park outside and it brings me back to the day he picked me up because it was raining. Same as that day, I wish he wasn't there but I can't ignore him now. So I walk as fast as I can to the car and get inside before anyone sees us.

"Hey", he says, moving closer to kiss me.

"Can we leave? I'm hungry".

"Sure", he settles for a kiss on my cheek when he sees I'm not facing him. "All good in class?"

"Yeah, a lot to study, though. I don't think my brain is big enough for this".

He chuckles. "I know it is. Let's get something to eat and then you can study at my place. You can stay there after too, maybe?"

"Sounds good", I say, trying to offer him a real smile.

Because I want to stay with him. I want to smile at him. But I also want to be able to leave the house without fearing someone insulting me and yet it doesn't happen. And it won't happen anytime soon.

"I was going to make pasta. Is that ok?"


I sit down in one of his kitchen chairs, as I always do when he cooks for me and doesn't let me help, and he walks to where I am to hug me. "You look really pretty today".

I snort at that. "You say that every day, Rúben".

"Because it's true. Do I look pretty today?"

"Ummm", I hum, pretending to think. "I guess. You've looked better, though".

"What can I do to go back to looking good enough for you, Danielle?", he says in a low voice. And for a moment, I forget everything else. It's just the two of us. "Take my shirt off?"

"That'd help. But I don't want you to get burned while cooking so let's do that after dinner".

"Maybe we could skip dinner...".

Yes, it's easy to forget about everything else when I'm with him. But sadly, I will eventually have to separate from him again...and the pain will come back.

Rúben's POV

I should have guessed football fans weren't going to be the ones who kept it classy. This has been the third away match that I've gotten abusive chants at. All about Dani. I don't know if she knows about this because she hasn't mentioned anything. But she's probably found out by now. It's usually easy for me to block the noise and pretend I'm not hearing anything but this is different.

"What was that Rúben chant?", laughs Jack when we get back to the dressing room after the match.

"Shut up", whispers Kevin to him but he should know better. Jack never shuts up.

"Did you really fuck both sisters, Rúben?", he asks, lifting his hand as if he expects me to high-five him.

"Are you for real?", asks Rodri, shocked by the question but it's Jack. He shouldn't be surprised.

"Just wondering. And I guess the little one is better in bed because there is no way I would pick her over her hot sister".

That does it. I pick him by the collar of his shirt and push him against the wall.

"Talk about her again, and you won't be able to eat solid food for months".

"It was just a joke", he tries to defend himself. But I can see the fear in his eyes. Good.

"I'm not in the mood for jokes".

"Rúben, stop it before Pep comes back", tells me Bernardo and I know he's right but the rage in my body needs a second to settle before I let go of Grealish.

"You've been warned".

Even though I have to stay for the post-match talk, I feel like I'm not even here. This can't keep happening. I need to take Dani away from all of it. I need to protect her from all of it somehow.

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