Chapter 11

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Rúben's POV

"Rúben! Hi!"

I turn when I hear my name being called and see it's Libby waving at me. "Hi".

"So funny we see each other. It's been a while since it was just you and me".

"I guess, yeah. We've both been busy".

"Not busy when it comes to seeing Dani".

Here it comes. "Well, her uni is near where I live so...".

"Yeah, no. I don't say it in a bad way", she laughs, touching my arm. "I actually wanted to thank you".

"For what?"

"For being such a good friend to her. We haven't had it easy and your support means a lot. You look after her when she's sick and then help with her's too much. You're doing too much but I appreciate it a lot".

"I would do it for any friend".

But I probably wouldn't struggle so much with calling them a friend.

"You know, I joked to Dani about this but you're kind of like a big brother to her. Don't you see it like that too?"

Brother? Fuck no. "I don't know...", I laugh, nervously. "But I get what you mean, yeah. And happy to help. No need to thank me".

"I'll do it anyway. Can I have a hug too? Talking about Dani makes me emotional sometimes. I'm so silly".

I smile at her and hug her. Little does she know we have that in common, how much we care about her sister.

When we are going to separate, she gets closer and for a second I fear she'll try to kiss me...but she kisses my cheek instead.

"I'll see you around".

"See you".

I stare at Libby as she walks away, feeling guilty, I think. I'm lying to her. And maybe Dani is lying to her too if she feels the way I think she might feel. But we'll deal with that when it's time for it.


"Hi Rúben!"

"Well, it's the day of meeting the entire family".

"What?", I'll never get over how adorable Dani looks when she's confused.

"I saw Libby this morning. When I was going to a meeting".

" Are you doing anything today?"

"I was walking home. Why?"

"Nothing, I just...", she looks so nervous. What's going on? "I thought maybe you would want to hang out".

"My place or yours?", I ask, simply. My smile says the rest.

"Mine, probably. I have to do a bit of homework and the book I need is there. It won't take long".

"Right, so you actually want me to help you with that. You only want me for my brain, Danielle".

"I actually want to pass my classes, so...".

"I can't go to the exams myself, people will notice and ...".

Dani surprises me by hitting my arm, which obviously doesn't hurt me at all. But she's just being playful. And I love it.

"Shut up".

"You'll regret that, little Danielle".

"Let's not go back to that nickname", she groans.

"But I like how it annoys you. Your cheeks go all red and you have that murderous look that makes you look so...", sexy.

"It makes me look...".

Damaged (Rúben Dias)Where stories live. Discover now